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Memo on Website Strategy

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is the second part of the final project. Order #00134061 is the first part. If you encounter problems with related concepts and require me to provide reading materials for this course, please let me know. Actually, this assignment will be due on October 26. So there are more than 10 days to finish it.
Below is the specific requirement for this one:
This assignment is designed to help students demonstrate their understanding of the principles of a strong web strategy.
Students should start by conducting a comprehensive review of their selected organization’s website(s). In this review, students may consider a sweeping range of elements of an organization’s web strategy, including (but not limited to) the quality of the copy, the usability of the website(s), the navigability of the website(s), the quality of the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), elements of the visual design such as color schemes and fonts, the accessibility of the website(s), the interactions between the main website and any ancillary sites, the overall effectiveness for the intended audience and more.
Once students have conducted a review of the selected organization’s website(s), students should write a 1-2 page memo (single-spaced, Calibri 11, 1” margins) addressed to the person within the organization who is chiefly responsible for communications. The memo should (1) describe and assess the organization’s web strategy and (2) provide a list of brief but actionable recommendations for how the memo’s recipient should improve the conceptualization and/or execution of that web strategy.
Students will be assessed on the extent to which their memo:
Provides a thoughtful description of the organization’s web strategy, pointing to specific examples that serve as the foundation of the claims made.
Offers a coherent assessment of the overall state of the organization’s web strategy. Students should note that such an assessment is more than just a list of strengths and/or weaknesses; the assessment should also provide an overall characterization of the web strategy (e.g., “Despite some weaknesses that should be addressed, the organization’s overall web strategy is effective in achieving its stated purpose,” “The organization’s web strategy is well-conceived but poorly executed,” etc.).
Identifies 4-6 actionable recommendations that, if adopted, would improve the overall effectiveness of the organization’s web strategy.
View this video or download the transcript (attached) for additional details about this assignment.
Students who submit a memo that adheres to the criteria listed above no later than 11:59 pm EDT on Tuesday, October 26 can earn up to 20 points.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Chief Technology Officer,
RE: Memo on Website Strategy
I have examined your organization’s website via /. Camp Quality USA, being a not-for-profit, focuses on engaging its volunteers, donors, and the general population through its website. You have focused on ensuring that your donors and volunteers understand what you do. You have prioritized donations, which is critical considering that that is the major source of income to run the organization. Having a section for donors and volunteers is instrumental in ensuring that different visitors can locate what they want.
The website is easy to use, something that is recommendable. Navigating through the website is seamless. I have not found a dead link, meaning that you have taken time to ensure that the user can navigate through your site successfully. The quality of the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) is good. The user design is simple since fewer mouse clicks are needed to accomplish any required task. I find your site intuitive since a new user can quickly learn how to navigate through it. A visitor can quickly locate what he/she needs, which saves time for your user. However, the font text is relatively smaller, which makes it challenging for some readers, especially those with an eye problem.
The website's copy is of high quality. Your organization has made efforts to generate content that is accurate, well researched, and suitable for the target audience. The home page provides comprehensive information on what the organization does, which allows a visitor to understand more about Camp Quality USA. Although having more content is good, ...
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