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Media and Technology in the Fashion Industry

Essay Instructions:

identify historically and culturally significant Illustrators, Illustrations, publications, and campaigns between 1950 and 2020.

interrelate key societal and technological change with developments in Illustration.

gather and evaluate historical information.

assess the influence of individual Illustrators and designers on current Illustration practices.

communicate analytical and critical thinking in written form.


Based on our discussion of Marshall McLuhan’s media theory, media and technology have a significant impact on our society, including the illustration industry. Using 600 – 650 words, discuss how media and technology have affected your particular area of interest in the illustration industry.

Discuss your area of interest, the kind of media you have been using to learn about the industry (e.g., magazine, book, social media, blog, etc.), and why.

Using two illustrations from different decades that are between 1950-today, analyze how shifts in media and technology have affected their formal qualities of illustrative work, the ways in which artists work on their illustrations, and the way the industry operates. For the context of this course, one of the works has to be created by a Canadian or American illustrator.

Provide four references to support your points/argument. Please use an author-date citation format in the paper. You may use any resources except personal blogs. You may only use one type of source only once (e.g., you must not use four sources from Wikipedia). Please provide the citation at the end of the essay.


Word document (600-650 words, double-spaced, excluding citations)

Attach images with full captions.


Fig.1 Jillian Tamaki. Excerpt from the graphic novel, This One Summer. 2014.

Fig.1 Christian Dimitrov. Concept art for the game, The Elder Scrolls: Legends. 2017/2018.

Fig.1 Yarek Waszul. “Was There a Connection Between a Russian Bank and the Trump Campaign? A gif illustration for The New Yorker. 2018


This assignment is worth 25 % of your total mark.

Format: 6 pts

Does the document have proper format?

- 600 – 650 words (without citation)

- Spacing: Double

- Student information (name, course name, Assignment 1, date) on the document

- File name (Last name, First name_ILLU2010_01_Assignment1)

- Do the images (2) have proper captions (artist name, title, date)?

Resources: 4 pts

Did you use four different sources?

Did you provide citations (both in-text & end of paper)?

Content & Organization: 10 pts

Does this essay answer the topic questions thoughtfully?

Is the essay logically organized, well-presented, and argued with supporting evidence, facts, and/or examples?

Mechanics (Grammar, spelling, and tone): 10 pts

Total 30 pts

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Medium is the Message
First name, Middle name, Last name
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Medium is the Message
Notably, media and technology have immensely affected the illustration industry in several ways, especially the fashion industry. Fashion illustration involves converting fashion ideas and concepts into a visual art form using paintings, drawings, or sketches. The use of fashion illustrations is attractive and showcases the efficiency of the illustrator. This essay will discuss how media and technology have affected the fashion illustration industry, my area of interest, and the kind of media I have been using to learn about the industry and technology have affected the formal qualities of illustrative work.
Technology has promoted more accessibility of designs and the created content. Usually, one had to visit a gallery or museum to view an artist's work in the past. This limited the number of people who view the pieces of a particular artist. However, with the emergence of technology, people can easily access an illustrator's artworks that they admire by reading their blogs, following their media accounts such as Twitter and Facebook for new designs (Amos, 2013). Therefore, technology and media have promoted how people access an illustrator's artworks.
Also, technology and media have helped fashion illustrators to market their artworks and get more clients. As such, a fashion illustrator has to look for means to market their artwork to potential clients. Technology and media provide fashion illustrators with a variety of mediums through which they can market their products. For instance, an illustrator can have a blog page or website to showcase their designs and concepts. Through these sites, an illustrator can market themselves and attain new clients (Amos, 2013). Hence, technology has enabled fashion illustrators to market themselves and get more clients.
Additionally, technology has enabled fashion illustrators to create unique pieces of artwork. The innovation of technology has brought about new software that artists use to create their artwork. This software gives suggestions on how to improve a design to make it unique. A fashion illustrator must ensure that they create unique and exceptional designs to brand and market themselves effectively. Also, they can view works of other illustrators for inspiration. Access to other artists' works helps an artist which fashion trends are likely to sell more and promote their image (Amos, 2017). Therefore, technology and media have enabled fashion illustrators to create unique brands.
Technology and media have facilitated easy communication between an artist and their clients. With the emergence of modern technology, clients can easily share their thoughts and opinions with an artist without meeting in person. There are various commu...
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