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Mapping it Out with the PEN-3 Model

Essay Instructions:

Mapping It Out With the PEN-3 Model
Submit the assignment by 11:59 PM PT Sunday of Module 4.
The PEN-3 Model is used to assess the behavioral diversity impacting a culturally specific target population related to a health issue.
Diagram of PEN-3 Model. A triple Venn diagram of Cultural Identity, Relationships & Expectations, and Cultural Empowerment.
In this assignment, you will select a culturally specific target audience and a related health and wellness issue from the literature. For example, you might select diabetes or hypertension among African Americans or breast cancer among Hispanic women. Then you will assess health and wellness influences on the target audience using the domains of the PEN-3 Model.
NOTE: You will use the work completed in the Module 4 assignment in the Module 5 assignment.
Create a paper in a Word document for your response. Use APA format.
Create a title page and references page in APA format.
Follow the steps to complete the assignment.
Step 1. Select the target audience from the literature for the PEN-3 Model assessment.
Step 2. In a Word document, use the domains of the PEN-3 Model to develop an outline of the domains as they relate to the selected target audience and health issue.
Example outline:
1. Cultural Identity
A. Person
ii.(You may have as many points as needed.)
B. Extended Family
C. Neighborhood
2. Relationships and Expectations
A. Perceptions
ii. (You may have as many points as needed.)
B. Enablers
C. Nurturers
3. Cultural Empowerment
A. Positive
ii. (You may have as many points as needed.)
B. Existential
C. Negative

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mapping Out with the PEN-3 Model
Student's Name
Professor's Name
PEN-3 model was created in 1995 as health promotion and disease prevention framework in African countries. This is model now has various uses as it allows examination of several behavioral factors within cultures by health educators. Since the model was created, it has been used for diabetes prevention, assessing diabetes knowledge, managing Diabetes, breast cancer self-examination, malaria treatment, and many other interventions in different populations. Utilizing a framework that considers culture and other factors is essential as culture is a significant component of behavioral diversity (Westerman, 2010). The PEN-3 model consists of three domains: cultural identity, Relationships, expectations, and cultural empowerment, each having three components. The three components in each part form the acronym PEN-3 model as they all start with the letters P, E, and N.
Diabetes Among African Americans Case Study Outline
* Cultural Identity
Ї Person
н African American
н Nationality is American
н English as the primary language
Ї Extended family
н Those with a positive history of a family of diabetes view the Diabetes consequences as very severe due to immediate interaction with the family members suffering from the disease.
н Diabetes among African Americans influences the behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs of family members who have not developed the disease.
н The extended family used active strategies to influence physical activity behaviors, and they employed direct influences in addressing diabetes among those affected.
Ї Neighborhood
н The community has helped curb the adverse effects of diabetes resulting from an unfriendly environment for African Americans.
н Neighborhood help reduces the rate at which African Americans develop diabetes by using policymakers to address problems associated with environmental determinants of health ("influence of neighborhood poverty on blood glucose levels: Findings from the community initiative to eliminate stroke (CITIES) program | Cathoral | Health, culture and society," n.d.).
* Relationships and Expectations
Ї Perceptions
н Diabetes brought much fear in terms of long-term complications by the African Americans.
н Fatalism brought fear among communities, and they viewed diabetes as a deadly disease. This made the people develop anxiety towards the condition and has got the urge to come up with solutions towards controlling the effects of diabetes.
н Expression of denial, acceptance, and hope results from the belief that diabetes is a deadly disease that one cannot survive. This has enabled many to cope with the disease positively ("(PDF) Cultural perceptions of health and diabetes among Native American men," n.d.).
н The belief that diabetes is unavoidable and leads to death has permeated the prevention and treatment ideas among the African Americans having negative impacts on the African Americans as they develop awe and sense of powerlessness ("(PDF) Cultural perceptions of health and diabetes among Native American men," n.d.).
Ї Enablers
Technological devices like mobile applications can be a way of self-managing diabetes, making the mobile app...
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