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Lucas Journal 2: The Book Exploring Philosophy. Author Steven M Cahn

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This is a Philosophy essay. Please write the analysis and the personal thought. Please read

"Kant's Ethics" (EP), "Virtue Ethics” (EP) and “The Ethics of Care” (EP) from the book Exploring Philosophy. Author Steven M Cahn

Publisher: Oxford University Press

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Lucas Journal
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Kantian Ethics is a deontological ethical theory that was developed as a result of Enlightenment rationalism (Cahn, 2018). It is based on the idea that only an intrinsically good thing can be regarded as a good-will. It means people have to make their minds to do something good, following the moral law. A person’s positive action should be applicable to all people around them irrespective of their caste, age, gender, religion, or background. If a contraction is present, then the act cannot be regarded as a good one. Kant's concept of the Kingdom of Ends requires that the actions of people should formulate a law for a hypothetical kingdom.
On the other hand, Virtue Ethics emphasizes the need for virtues of both the mind of a person and their character. In simple words, we can say that if people do ever...
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