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Critical Decision Making: The Consequences Of A Failure To Report

Essay Instructions:

View the scenario called "Critical Decision Making for Providers" found in the Allied Health Community media (https://lc(dot)gcumedia(dot)com/hlt307v/allied-health-community/home.html).

In a 750 word paper, describe the scenario involving Mike, the lab technician, and answer the following questions:

What were the consequences of a failure to report?

What impact did his decision have on patient safety, on the risk for litigation, on the organization's quality metrics, and on the workload of other hospital departments?

As Mike's manager, what will you do to address the issue with him and ensure other staff members do not repeat the same mistakes?

please use the references from provided require reading material (attached file)

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Decision Making
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From this case, it is evident that Mike does not reach the work on time, and his supervisor previously warned him that any more lateness would lead to termination. The fact is that Mike loves his work, as it not only provides him with mental satisfaction but also is a good source of information. When he reaches the office, he finds a spill on the floor of the reception area. Now Mike has two options to choose from. The first option is that he should stop there and ensure that the spill has been cleaned up. The second option is to ignore it by the whole. If he safeguards the spill, the Mike may get late and will have to lose his job.
The Consequences of a Failure to Report
If Mike decides to report this problem, the hospital will be safe. He can make a call to the supervisor and inform them that he has cleaned up the spill. In the meantime, Mike is afraid of losing his job. If he does not report the problem, the person who is tasked to clean up the lobby will do it.
As Mike does not want to lose the job, he ignores the spill and proceeds to clock in. However, he understands that failure to report can cause adverse effects. For instance, he finds that a patient he was attending to fell at the lobby and had serious pain. This patient complained about a hip injury, and this makes Mike feel bad. Another problem is whether Mike should admit before the supervisor that he had seen the spill or not. If he admits, then this may lead to job termination.
The Impact of Mike’s Decision
If Mike decides to report the problem, this will ensure patients’ safety. It will also ensure that none of the staff members fall from the slippery floor. If he does not clean the spill, the safety of patients may get compromised. One of the patients he met some time ago had fallen because of the same spill. The floor was slippery, and the patient could not save himself. As a result, he developed pain, and this increased the financial burden on his family. The medical facility must use all of the resources for treating injuries causes by in-hospital falls. It is the responsibility of healthcare ex...
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