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Argument Paper on Running an Effective Crisis Simulation

Essay Instructions:

Write your Final Argument Paper using the APA Paper Template. Your final paper should be 700 to 1,050 words in length.

Ensure that your final paper includes the following:

An APA-formatted title page

An introduction paragraph with a thesis statement that clearly states your argument.

APA-formatted level 1 heading for each main topic

A topic sentence to begin each paragraph under each main topic

No more than three to five instances of paraphrased or directly quoted material integrated throughout the paper, followed by the appropriate APA-formatted citation

Conclusion paragraph

An APA-formatted reference page with a reference listing for a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running an Effective Crisis Simulation
Running an Effective Crisis Simulation
For any company aiming to achieve its set goals, running an effective crisis simulation is a very significant part of the process. A crisis simulation provides an opportunity for a company to develop its character, which will make it ready and resilient in the event of a potential crisis. Regarding this issue, some researches argue that crisis simulation is not beneficial since they associate it with causing the wastage of financial resources and the taxpayers’ money. Even though this is the case, there is every reason to believe that Effective Crisis Simulation is completely necessary for any company because it helps in ensuring public safety, employee training and risk management. Although budget constrictions may be hindered, running an effective crisis simulation is of the utmost importance for any small company or large agency for multiple reasons. Protecting the public, training employees, and risk management remain the core contributing factors supporting running an effective crisis simulation.
Effective crisis simulation plays a role in ensuring public safety because in the event of a crisis, it is up to emergency officials to protect and defend anyone affected by the crisis. Concerning this, Gale (2015), notes that the Office of Community Oriented Policing (COPS) has significantly improved the relationship between police departments and communities by teaching, informing, and reducing community crimes through hiring, training police officers that specialize in community policing and communication. The study further points out that a significant drop in the rates of crime has been noted in those cities and communities that utilize Community Oriented Policing. Through this program therefore, it means that in the event of a crisis, everyone in the community will be protected and defended because the community members work in collaboration to prevent and potential risks to their safety. In this case, working together helps in identifying any possible issues and addressing the same in an effective manner that ensures the safety of the public. This ability to protect the public is all thanks to effective crisis simulation enabled through the Community Oriented policing (COPS).
Effective crisis simulation helps in employee training because starting with a janitor all the way up to a federal emergency response official, everyone has a job and role to fulfill in the event of a crisis. According to Wagner (2013), companies or agencies that offer simulati...
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