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Long Day’s Journey into Night, by Eugene O’Neill

Essay Instructions:

Every character in Long Day’s Journey into Night has a personal issue that is very troubling to themselves and to the rest of the family. Tyrone is a money-grubbing man who is so lost in his own tumultuous childhood that he refuses to see how he is hurting his family. Jamie is irresponsible and has never worked for anything in his life, letting his jealousy towards Edmund rule over him. Mary is still resentful of not becoming a nun or a concert pianist, and Edmund is suffering from the trials of tuberculosis. Each character avoids their problems in their own self-destructive way, whether through alcohol, drugs or loose women. Never does anyone face anything head on. What is it that O’Neill is saying about avoidance in his play, “Long Day's Journey into Night? Does it ever actually solve anything? How has their avoidance only worsened the problems of the Tyrone’s?

Use examples and quotes from the story to support your theory.

The response should be at least three paragraphs in length.

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Avoidance in Long Day’s Journey into Night
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In a situation whereby people are faced with difficult situations, they tend to engage in other activities such as drugs as a way of avoiding the real problem. O'Neil points out that avoidance can be the source of more problems in an individual's life. When stressed, the characters in the story engage in other activities to distract themselves from the real issue that is stressing them. For instance, Edmund realizes that her mother has just left the room which she used to get satisfaction for her addiction. Mary claims that she just went into that room to avoid the husband's snoring. This seems like a lie and Mary is still being tempted to get back into using drugs as a...
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