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Long Analysis. Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth. Literature Essay

Essay Instructions:

Long Analysis (1500 words) – 20%

The student will do an interpretive reading on one of the assigned literary works. The student must incorporate the scholarly opinions of 2-4 scholars. MLA format.

RESOURCE: https://sites(dot)google(dot)com/site/proftowery/types-of/literary-analysis

Choice of texts:

- Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth. (Any edition)

- O’Connor, Flannery. The Complete Stories. New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 1971. Print.

Stories to read: “Greenleaf,” “Judgement Day,” “The Enduring Chill,” “Good Country People,” “Everything that Rises Must Converge,” “Revelation”

- Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. (Any edition; the book is freely available online.)

- Wiebe, Rudy. Peace Shall Destroy Many. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2001. Print.

There are two primary assignment forms in this class: reading logs and analyses (both short and long). Here are a few differences:

The reading log is reflective and exploratory. The analysis assignments assert an interpretation and support that idea as fully as possible in the given space.

The reading log follows a summary-response structure, while the analysis only summarizes when it needs to cover a lot of information to support an overall argument. In general, you will not summarize whole arguments in the analyses; instead, you will spend more time engaging the particulars of a scholarly argument through quoting and paraphrasing.

The analyses focus on close readings of a text while the reading log need not engage a text on an extremely close level.

These are just a few of the differences. There are some similarities:

Both should use academic tone

Both should use MLA formatting and clear in-text citations

Both should be carefully edited for grammar

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Long Analysis
Buck's work combines different literary themes in the 'Good Earth.' While the author emphasized the context of the 'Good Earth' as the title of the story, other vital themes emerge such as gender and social problems within the Chinese Culture. Chinese culture was used to present the impact of social problems such as which poverty and social injustices influenced the behaviors of people. Poverty and social problems defined the author's skills used to present Chinese lives. Apart from feministic perspectives, modernization, political issues, and attitude of the characters contributed to the plot of the story.
Modernization and Political influence
The author explains the problems faced by Chinese wives which oppose the hard work of women thus presented with long-suffering and unappreciated efforts (Shaffer, 113). Moreover, women are viewed to be physically weak. For instance, the process of hard work and giving birth provides a clear image of how women are exposed to sufferings yet forced to endure. Economically, women are assumed to be unproductive based on the encounters and the roles taken by O-Lan. The ancient practices are influenced by western modernization. The position taken by O-Lan reflects substantial elements of modern women with the concern of their children. Also, political issues influenced the lives and roles taken by the characters. The communist revolution influenced changes the social status of women in labor (Shaffer, 113). The author further perceived that Buck's inclusion of O-Lan in work was significant since the other western society such as the US recognized that the Chinese women were secluded at their homes. The contemporary reviews of the 'Good Earth' are viewed to be favorable and described the beautiful Western presentation of the Chinese women. Furthermore, the sufferings and pitiable wife achieves minimal results that limits their abilities to progress. Therefore, the tone of the novel is shown to be similar throughout the story.
Social Issues and Gender Disparity
The theme of social and gender disparity has been a dominant topic throughout the story, and this provided an opportunity for the rising feminist to outlined significant challenges facing the women. From the role taken by Wang, it is apparent that patriarchal influence is dominant in society. It approaches gender by examining the feminization of the main character. The opinions reveal gender issues that affected the coexisting and competing relationships between the foreign culture and the mainstream Chinese culture that seemed to deviate from the actual citizens of women's rights. Buck's strategy is, therefore, understood from different perspectives with the aim of outlining the major conflicts that exist between the Chinese and the American culture.
Similarly, Santosa (127) presents the struggles people encounter in the Good Earth. The interpretations of the author show that the social lives of rural life are hard and requires people to work hard to meet the necessary needs. According to Santosa (133), economic and social challenges are imminent throughout the study. It, therefore, explains different ways through which the characters take their roles in providing the required. The hardships, thus, created an opportunity for the major characters to become wealthy and this is evident when he gets wealth through his hard work. Santosa (129) further presents the novel as one of the depilatory stories that are realistic and portrays the life of Chinese society in different ways. Inspiration is one of the factors outlined, by the author. He describes it as one of the critical elements that inspired Buck with the perspective of the Great Chinese farmer.
Symbolism is one of the significant literary skills that the author notes as a familiar figure across the novel (Santosa (129). For instance, the word 'Good Earth' has sufficient analogy throughout the story. Being a farmer, Wang is shown to have dark colored land which is a sign of symbolism. The property is further perceived to have a great potentiality of giving wealth to a person and this evident with the attitude that Wang has mover land. He values and treasures every single aspect of the property. They also spend most of his time on the farm. The productivity reflects this it provides to the Wang's family. He later becomes a successful farmer and gains wealth at the end of the story.
Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive linguistics is one of the elements that has been used to describe the encounters of the characters. Through the typical system, the author maps out perceptions of characters objects and events into the real world occurrences, for instance, the contemporary understanding of hard work evident in the novel. Also, human knowledge is highly structured, and this is evident from the organization and plot of events which exist in a complex network that flows from one activity to the other. Communication reflects a rural language processing understood from a cognitive perspective. Understanding of major events also demonstrates some level of social behavior such as the role played by men in women in a family set up. Therefore, communication reflects on the culture through which the langu...
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