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Ableism. The American Disabilities Act (1990). Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Week 9 – Ableism

Choose a topic and write about the history of ableism and disability in that period

1)      Sparta and the disabled (500 – 300 BCE)

2)      Imperial Rome and the disabled (20 – 500 CE)

3)      Christianity and Ableism as punishment from God (400 – 1800 CE)

4)      Nazis and Ableism (1933 – 1945)

5)      American Disabilities Act (1990)

6)      Japanese Attack on Disabled Facility (July 26, 2016)

7)      Ancient Egypt and Disability (3000 BCE – 1000 BCE)

8)      Disability in Ancient China (3000 BCE – 1400 CE)

9)      Any topic of your choosing professor approved



Answer the following questions in essay format. 2-3 pages. APA format. 12 Font Times New Roman only.

All work must be properly cited and unless otherwise noted; do not include pure opinion. 

1) Outline the basic history of the event(s). You can use a timeline or write it out.

2) What ways was disability defined during your topic’s era?

3) How were the differently abled (disabled) treated during your topic’s time?

4) What beliefs, attitudes and values of your chosen topic’s culture influenced the way differently abled people were treated?

5) In what ways has your chosen topic’s culture or era influenced modern American ideas on the differently abled and disability?


Essay Sample Content Preview:

The American Disabilities Act (1990)
Student`s Name
Institutional Affiliation
The American Disabilities Act of 1990 was the first civil rights law to be passed in the nation. The law was made to address the various needs of the individuals that have disabilities, to prohibit discrimination in the public sector such as employment, telecommunications, and accommodations among others. The Congress gave allowed the law to take two years before it could take effect to ensure that the affected sectors would adjust to the changes. Between 1991 and 1992, a Technical Assistance Manual was issued by the commission to act as guidance to employers to ensure that they acted by the Act.
In 1990, the Americans defined disability as a condition whereby the individual has a mental or physical impairment which limits the manner in which the person carries out their daily life activities. Also, it included any person who had a history of a particular impairment or was considered to be physically or mentally impaired by other people. Among the illnesses that were used to define disability were epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, blindness, deafness, completely or partially missing limbs and intellectual disabilities among others (Krahn, Walker & Correa-De-Araujo, 2015).
The main aim as to why the ACT was formed was to eliminate the issue of discrimination among the disabled. Therefore, during the formation of the ACT, the differently-abled were facing much discrimination in the employment sectors and other public and private areas that were open to the public. Most of the employers required individuals who were mentally and physically fit because they believed that they would be more productive as compared to the differently-abled. Also, people with particular conditions that rendered them physically or mentally impaired were excluded from going to certain public and private areas. As well, they were also facing discriminat...
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