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The Future of TVs. Literature & Language Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria Proficient Descriptor Points

Argumentative essay components Presents the final, complete version of the essay assembled in this format:

Title page

Abstract page

The opening paragraph that includes your claim (thesis statement)

3 body paragraphs that include the following (with in-text citations):

1 quote

1 summarization

1 paraphrase

Multimedia (cited as needed)

The counter-argument paragraph

The conclusion

References page

Incorporates feedback from others as observed in revisions and improvements to previously submitted essay components. /10 pts.

Abstract Presents a 150 to 250 word abstract.

Identifies key words and phrases that represent the essay’s purpose and topics.

Includes additional key words and phrases, as appropriate. These are terms that would catalog the essay for special interests such as demographic, regional, and industry-specific issues. /20 pts.

Introduction Introduces the essay with captivating examples and/or statements related to the intended audience’s interests and ideals. /15 pts.

Supporting evidence Establishes relevance of all sources to the essay claim.

Formulates body paragraphs to build a case in support of the essay claim as presented in the thesis statement.

Builds interest by including at least one multimedia source. /30 pts.

Well-situated argument Examines the claim’s issues from more than one perspective.

Anticipates objections to the claim in the counter-argument.

Utilizes language and examples that are accessible to the identified audience.

Demonstrates cultural competence by acknowledging cultural differences and avoiding bias. /30 pts.

Conclusion Summarizes evidence presented, leading to acceptance of the argument.

Utilizes a call to action or shows relationship to a larger issue.

Concludes that the claim, made in the opening of the essay, is viable and should be favored. /15 pts.

Format Provides a 4-5 page (1,000 to 1,200) word essay that is double-spaced, and includes a title page, References page, running head, and page numbers. /10 pts.

Credibility Credible information sources (a minimum of three) utilized are clearly identified, properly cited, and referenced using APA Style. /10 pts.

Grammar & Mechanics Sentences are clear, well-articulated, and free from grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors /10 pts.

Total /150 pts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Future of TVs
Student`s Name
Institutional Affiliation
There has been a lot of technological advancements over the past century. These changes have affected the cultural ways of people regarding the access to internet services. The world of using TVs well demonstrates this. In the past, a Tv used to be a luxury owned by the rich. However, given the current changes, they have become easily affordable by most of the people in the world. The TVs used to be the best method of passing across news and other entertainment programs to its viewers. However, this seems to be changing due to the availability of other ways of making those programs available to the users. Also, the types of TVs sets used are also changing over time. People have moved from black and white television sets to multicolored ones. Also, the availability of streaming services has reduced the number of individuals who watch programs from television sets. Subscribing to the streaming channels seems to be expensive as compared to the subscription made on TVs to watch a variety of programs. Some of the TVs have also joined the world of streaming hence making it easy for an individual to access the programs without a TV.
We have almost completed a century since TVs had been implemented. There are plenty of new ways through which individuals can watch TV programs. Therefore, the digital era has become a threat to the survival of TVs due to the availability of services such a Netflix and Youtube. Research shows that TV s might be losing some of its viewers to these services. Is TV a leftover from the past that will soon be outdated, or is TV keeping up with the times and attracting new viewers?
"Streaming media devices, which are a type of connected TVs, are reshaping the meaning of the watching TV experience" (Yang & Lee, 2018). Such devices include phones, iPod and tablets among others. The devices have replaced TV because an individual can walk around with them and still be able to carry out other activities across the internet. In the case of TVs, an individual has to use it from the house and hence, it becomes inconvenient especially for the working-class people. Also, streaming services have taken advantage of the availability of such devices to provide users with programs that are an equivalent of what the TVs are showing. Besides, the streaming sites have developed user-friendly applications which the users can easily maneuver to watch any program of their preference. This is a challenge to TVs because they are gradually losing some of their viewers especially the young generation.
Also, viewers prefer to watch uninterrupted content because it is more entertaining as compared to content that is full of advertisements. TV programs have taken advantage of advertisers to make money out if it and hence, their content has many advertisements which might be boring to users. "The author assumes the reason behind the change is because of television advertisements that continuously interrupt audiences' viewing experiences" (Chang, 2015). As a r...
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