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Assignment: Adoption of New Technology Systems with nurses

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Assignment: Adoption of New Technology Systems with nurses

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Adoption of a New Technology
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Adoption of a New Technology
Technology has helped change different sectors and industries worldwide. However, as is always the case, before the impact is felt, there is always some resistance. Resistance associated with the adoption of new technology is not new and does not happen in the healthcare industry only. Other industries and sectors also experience it, but this paper solely focuses on nurses and their resistance to the adoption of new inventions and technologies. In a hospital setup, new technologies could be needed to help improve the quality of care provided. With new diseases and issues in the healthcare sector, it is only appropriate to introduce new technological systems to help ensure that everyone receives apt care.
However, there are challenges to the adoption of new technologies. The first one would be the cost of training the hospitals have to incur. Training is quite expensive, and for the success of new technology, hospitals have to train their nurses to be proficient in using the new systems. Another reason why hospitals would be hesitant to introducing new technological systems is the resistance they might receive. While introducing a new piece of technology, management always hopes that their staff would adopt it. However, there is always a likelihood that the staff members may not adopt or accept it. In the end, an investment worth millions of dollars could end up being a waste of money.
In his article, Timmons (2003) notes that nursing resistance could take different forms which include attempts to avoid or ignore the new systems entirely and criticism of the systems. If left unchecked, these could lead to the failure of a new and innovative piece of technology that could positively influence the nursing sector. But why do nurses resist the adoption of new technolog...
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