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Heterosexism and Sexuality

Essay Instructions:

Week 8 – Heterosexism Assignment

Choose a topic below and discuss how sexuality played a role in the conflict.

1)      Sacred Band of Thebes/ Spartan military life – the role of the Greek military cultures and sexuality 400-280 BCE

2)      The Roman mos maiorum (Anti-homosexuality in ancient Rome) – 100 BCE – 400 CE

3)      The Church and sexuality – Middle Ages – 800 CE – 1100CE

4)      Renaissance and Sexuality – Italy and Germany -1380-1600 CE

5)      The Bible and homosexuality – 600 BCE – 100 CE

6)      The Nazis and the homosexual solution – 1933-1945

7)      The AIDS epidemic and its effects on American perceptions of homosexuality – 1979-1989

8)      Indigenous Americans and homosexuality (choose a tribe or tribes and demonstrate how their attitudes on sexuality differed greatly from modern ideas) – 100-1800 CE

9)      Ancient Egyptians and homosexuality – 3000 BCE – 400 BCE

10)   Islam, Christianity and Judaism and homosexuality

11)   Any of your choosing with professor approval




Answer the following questions in essay format. 2-3 pages. APA format. 12 Font Times New Roman only.

All work must be properly cited and unless otherwise noted; do not include pure opinion.

1)      Outline the basic history of the event(s). You can use a timeline or write it out.

2)      Write a brief description of what class(es) are involved in your chosen topic.

3)      What attitudes about sexuality contributed to your conflict?

4)      How did the cultures ideals, values, and beliefs change or return to tradition during and after the conflict?

5)      How did the people involved in your conflict perceive sexuality? Has that changed or stayed the same in that culture in modern times?

6)      In what way did your culture’s ideas/conflict on sexuality influence modern American life and concepts of sex/gender/orientation?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Church and Sexuality in the Medieval Ages
Institutional Affiliation
The Church and Sexuality in the Medieval Ages
            Sexuality remains a conflicted subject in modern society. However, despite the variant opinions among different cultures and religions on the subject, great progress has been made over time, and society is becoming increasingly accommodative. Sex, as well as sexuality, were critical elements in the medieval religion and culture. Unlike today where a person’s sexual behavior is largely their personal matter, it was not so in the medieval ages. The church and the state formed a kind of twin power that strove to control virtually every aspect of the citizens’ lives including their sexual behavior. Though the two powers had a stake in controlling the people’s sexual behavior, they frequently conflicted. For instance, while the aristocracy was more concerned with the preservation of bloodlines which subsequently led to forced marriages, the church leaned more towards consensual marriages (Hopkins, 2005).
            Though sources analyzing sexual conduct in the medieval period are rare and differ in content, it is generally accepted that the church in this period viewed sex as a pollutant as well as a danger to the soul. Strictly, sex was only seen as a means for procreation. Sexual pleasure was to a large extent viewed as a lustful sin. Punishments for different types of sins by the church were used to keep the society in check. For instance, death was the punishment for fornication and adultery in some instances. However, regardless of this hard stand by the church, relations that were viewed as ‘earthy’ went on. For instance, lusty priests preying on women who went for confession used to happen. Nuns and monks were also at times involved in secret relations, and so were the members of the society. Prostitution was also pr...
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