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Key Brand Comparison Analysis Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Key Brand Comparison Analysis

Description of Assignment:

Each student will compare and contrast the global branding strategies and local market implementation (in one country of the student’s choice) for ONE of the following pairs of brands:

Volkswagen versus Honda

Burberry versus Patagonia

Fujitsu versus IBM

Lenovo versus Apple

Clarins versus L'Occitane

Written essay: 1800-2500 words, minimum font size 11.

please take about the difference of two brands in other countries. For example, For UK people, they know Burberry well but may not know Patagonia.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Global branding is the process that companies take to be recognized throughout much of the world. They do this by promoting the attractiveness of their brand and making it more appealing to the consumers/customers to make the customers accept it. Global branding is making awareness to customers on the existence or continued existence of a good or service. Companies do global branding with an aim of increasing their market and helping them to be more competitive with other companies that work within their field. Global branding is a common strategy adopted when companies extend their market to other places around the world other than its original home. In short, global branding can be defined as the act of making something, a good or service, known throughout most of the world.
Local market implementation is a process adopted by companies as they place their products in a local market. It is the strategies that companies use to enhance the sale of their products in a market. When companies get into a market, they come up with a marketing plan that is meant to promote the sale of their products. Local market implementation is the process in which companies adopt and implement marketing strategies so as to promote their sales and also ensure that they are able to increase their profits and compete with other companies.
Volkswagen in China
Volkswagen (VW) is a German automobile company that was started in the year 1937 in German Wolfsburg by the German Labor Front. The Volkswagen Group, based on worldwide sales, was ranked the largest automaker in the years 2016 and 2017. Its main market is China where 40% of the company’s sales and profits are derived from. The company, with a German origin, is the largest automobile brand used in China. It has set up productions in the country whose operations include the production of cars, their sales, and servicing. The company got into the China market in 1973 and has become the most successful international company in the automobile industry of the country.
The Chinese market did not allow foreign companies to own a majority stake in manufacturing plants. On entering the market, VW entered with contracts and deals that it makes with other Chinese investors so as to be able to operate in this market. It later formed the Volkswagen Group China (VWC) in the year 2004. The VWC is a group that is made of a partnership between the foreign investors and local investors so as to ensure that the company was able to have maximum control of the operations of their production, sales, and service. VWC is managed by a board of members who are in charge of all its operations.
The company in China adopted some global branding strategies. First, the company identified with the market and purposed its productions towards the satisfaction of the people in the market it was targeting. It did this by actually naming some of the automobiles it produced with Chinese names. The company also made its image more attractive to the people of China by blending with some of the renowned companies in the country. The policy of foreign countries not owning the majority stake played a major role in ensuring that the company partnered with local companies. Partnering with companies e.g. Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) which were already known by the people of China played a major role in ensuring that the company’s products were popular in the market.
As a global branding strategy, the company also adapted to the production of vehicles by the industries in China, which were under partnerships with other Chinese companies in the industry, under the company’s brand. The production of the vehicles in the company’s brands was a strategy that was targeted at ensuring that the company was able to still have a grasp of the market. The technologies of the vehicles under the brand name helped promote the popularity of the company and its attractiveness in the Chinese market.
In the implementation of its sales in the local market, the company formed the Volkswagen Group China which was in charge of all its operations in the country. Formation of this group enabled the company to easily run the Chines market and also ensure that the products it produced were appealing to the people and satisfied their interests. The group which was close to the market was able to identify what the consumers wanted and de...
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