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Strategies for Recognizing and Resolving Implicit Bias in the Workplace: Ethnic Disparities

Essay Instructions:

As discussed in class today, the implicit bias paper is your opportunity to take a deeper look into how this can impact the care of patients, our work environments, career succession and more.

Choose a specific bias, this is a "hot" topic in health care and there are many to choose from, then start your research into that topic. You do not have to create new problems, rather use the research that exists to guide how you might approach the issue. Think about what strategies you would use including solution ideas and frame your paper using standard APA format. Create an executive summary, history, overview, breakout of 3 main points and then your conclusion.

From the Syllabus: Scholarly paper: Strategies for recognizing and resolving implicit bias in the workplace.Write a scholarly review of implicit bias in the workplace focusing on one type of bias – gender, race, nationality, religion, disability. Paper should be 10-15 pages in length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategies for Recognizing and Resolving Implicit Bias in the Workplace: Ethnic Disparities
As discussed in class today, the implicit bias paper is your opportunity to take a deeper look into how this can impact the care of patients, our work environments, career succession and more.  Choose a specific bias, this is a "hot" topic in health care and there are many to choose from, then start your research into that topic. You do not have to create new problems, rather use the research that exists to guide how you might a...
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