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Kafka--The Metamorphosis. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Kafka--The Metamorphosis

Paragraph 1

Less than Human

When the story begins, Gregor is oppressed by a job that he hates but needs in order to support his family. The Chief Clerk from his company arrives at his home and shows nothing but disgust for Gregor’s unproductive ways. His family sees him largely as a meal ticket. In what ways does his metamorphosis mark not so much a change in his status but rather makes his role as a worker concrete? In what ways was Gregor less than human even BEFORE his transformation?

Paragraph 2

The Experience of the Modern World

“The Metamorphosis” offers a worldview that is profoundly different from the American belief that you can make yourself anything you want if you try hard enough. By contrast, when Gregor awakes as a vermin, no one seeks to find out why or tries to reverse the change. What does this tell us about their view of a human’s role in the world? Why might they simply accept that humans can undergo such monstrous transformation for no clear reason? What does this say about their view of humanity’s power (or lack thereof)? How does this story speak to the experience of the modern world for both the characters and for the audience?

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The Metamorphosis
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The change makes Gregor’s role as a worker concrete in the manner in which his family members are worried about the finances. Gregor the sole provider of the family and now that he is not able to work, then the family has to look for other means of taking care of their financial needs. As well, the chief clerk arrives at his home to warn him about the consequences of being late for one. This is an indication that the clerk is more concerned about work than the metamorphosis. Gregor was less human before the transformation in the way in which he had trust inabilities. It is after the transformation that he realizes that his boss was being unf...
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