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Workplace Discrimination In Organizations

Essay Instructions:

Throughout the history of the world, there has been evidence of discrimination in all forms - whether religion, race, gender, beliefs, appearance or anything else that makes one human being different from another. The workplace continues to be an area where discrimination is an issue around the world. Discuss the influence of gender and other power disparities on work in a cross cultural context, citing specific examples from required readings and additional sources. Some of the readings we had are as follows: Chaffee - Thinking Critically About Moral Issues; The Meaning of Work (TED talk); Hesmondhalgh & Baker "Sex, Gender and Work Segregation in the Cultural Industries", Sociological Review 63 (2015): 23-26. Paper must be 3-5 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font and must include an additional page for the References. Must include: 1) Responses must identify the topic of interest, 2) Clarify importance of at least 2 cultural perspective (own and any other culture) regarding the topic 3) Demonstrate understanding of the importance of intercultural experiences 4) Use at least 3 different course materials as supporting evidence and, 5) Clearly and logically conclude the topic based on the evidence provided. Note: Please integrate information taken from several different sources, organize information and summarize the information, with conclusions. Begin with a thesis statement (or a claim) that will explain and justify in the essay. Support ideas with a rationale and evidence (not just "I think"), organized throughout the essay. My ideas and the support should be clear to the reader. Select relevant material to illustrate the points and provide specific references to class readings or videos. Please do not cite, quote or reference from Wikipedia. References should follow the APA format. A self-reflection of my cultural awareness based on the implication of the topic/issue/problem raised int he essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discrimination Author’s Name Institutional Affiliation Discrimination Introduction The dilemma of workplace discrimination in organizations is inevitable. At regular intervals, management makes efforts by introducing anti-discrimination and fairness policies for mitigating the unethical practices towards a certain culture, gender or group of people that serve the objectives equally. In numerous academic literature, the discussion on gender discrimination, stereotyping and misuse of power are few arguable subjects that are constantly encountered by employees at a noticeable degree. However, in the modern era of transparency and dynamism, it is important that organizations should make clear distinctions regarding the discriminatory and biased practices to promote equality in the workplaces. Considering the evident presence in the workplaces, it is deduced that organizational discrimination is a result of the irrational distribution of power among certain groups of cultures and people, which triggers major ethical disparities at a noticeable degree. Discussion Discrimination at the workplace is a remarkable issue of morality, which is unmanaged by the organizations. Chaffee (2015) argued that ethical practices, which are non-discriminatory, should be considered a moral responsibility by each while treating people. The discrimination primarily incurs due to two sources, namely cultural and gender disparities (Hesmondhalgh & Baker, 2015). Providing evidence, Corbett (2018) stated that Spotify encountered a lawsuit from a sales executive based on gender discrimination. The petition claimed that Brian Berner, the Head of Sales in US region at Spotify, has deliberately excluded women from trips having multiple networking opportunities, which could generate more incentives for female employees. The lawsuit is a clear scenario of gender discrimination at the workplace, resulting due to the immense investment of power in Berner. Should Spotify rationalizing the workplace culture and transparency, particularly in the Sales Department, the lawsuit incident would not be conceived by the organization significantly. However, the sense of power misuse is culturally influenced while discussing the subject of workplace discrimination. Traditionally, the American culture is more male-oriented as compared to European culture. The American women experience issues such as lesser maternity leaves and a narrower scope for workplace rights as compared to Switzerland. According to the discriminatory index issued by “Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),” Switzerland has minimal discriminatory practices in the country, particularly demonstrated at workplaces, towards women. Swiss women are provided with equal opportunities and pay brackets by local organizations while the scenario is opposite in the United States of America (USA; Bach, 2018). The cultural comparison of discriminatory practices in the two countries indicates that the investment of power in males by the USA sacrifices the proactive growth of women in workplaces, which is highly balanced in Switzerland. Nonetheless, it is impossible to eliminate discrimination from workplaces. However, organizations could mitigate the practices of discri...
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