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Judy Brady’s 1970 article strikes a chord with modern society (Literature & Language Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Read the article "I want a wife", answer the question Why does the article still strike a chord with today’s readers, and write an essay. Requirements: title, 2 paragraphs at the beginning and end, 3 paragraphs main ideas.

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Judy Brady’s 1970 article strikes a chord with modern society
Judy Brady’s 1970 article strikes a chord with modern society
The society is often guided by norms and expectations in as far as gender orientation is concerned. Although this may be considered an archaic view of the modern world, its undeniably still being perpetuated in the modern society. Women and men are expected to live up to some standards in terms of their gender roles. The ancient women were seen as people created to take care of their homes, children and submit to their husbands. On the other hand, the man was expected to work and provide for the family. However, with advancement in women education, the modern woman is equally educated and works like the husband (Oláh et. al. 2018). Unfortunately, despite the advancements in technologies and growth in economies, women are still held captive by the societal expectations. A woman is expected to keep her roles of taking care of the home and her husband. In her 1971 article, women activist Judy Brady yearned to have a wife so that she too could enjoy the benefits of being a husband. The article “I Want A Wife” strikes a chord with today’s readers because of its parallel sentence structure, the first-person narration, and the gender inequality that has not been addressed in today’s society.
Brady focused on the use of parallel sentence structure to drive her point home. A parallel structure is established when words within a sentence are united by consistent use of grammatical forms (Moxley & Paquette, n.d). Brady uses that sentence structure to maintain the present tense and the future she is foreseeing on the kind of wife that she needs. This is evident in the sentences like “I want a wife who will work and send me to school…I want a wife who will wash the children’s clothes and keep them mended.” Writing in such a tense resonates well with anybody who would be reading the article either now or in another fifty years to come. Therefore, it is easy for the readers to strike a chord with what is being talked about not only in terms of the points raised by the reade...
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