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Reflections: Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Essay Instructions:

To watch the second Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden on October 22, 2020 (Can find on Youtube)

Organize your reflection as follows; the allocation of grades reflects this structure.

1.An overviewof the debate focus and topics covered(~100 words, 10 marks).

2.Adiscussionofthe performance of each candidate(responses to questions, rebuttal of opponents, clarity of message)(~150 words each, 10 marks each)

3.A reflectionon the debate considering its potential to inform political dialogue and affect the election outcome (~200words, 20 marks).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Second Presidential Debate Trump Versus Biden
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The Second Presidential Debate Trump Versus Biden
Topics Covered
During the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, various topics were discussed. The main areas that were covered include living under the coronavirus pandemic. Triumph said that the epidemic would go away, but at the moment, people should learn to live with it. The provision of health care that is affordable was also discussed. Furthermore, the foreign interference in the U.S.U.S. elections, increased border security that bar illegal entry into the United States and Triumph's relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was discussed. Moreover, the response of New York to Covid-19 and the fate of the U.S.U.S. economy during the pandemic were not left out.
Donald Trump’s speech
Donald's Trump speech is full of harmony, for it promises the union of the people to persuade voters. He said, "Success is going to bring us together, we are on the road to success." He also employed his ordinary tact of boldness and aggressiveness, using claims to put off his competitor. He uses the claims of Joe Biden is recovering from drug addiction. Furthermore, the president uses a clear explanation of the success of his government in combating immigration issues. Donald triumph captures the target audience of the victims of the children that have entered the United States illegally by describing the conditions that are kept as clean and healthy. Triumph argues out the essence of not shutting down with the evidence of business that is dying due to lockdown. He also speculates how fearful Joe Biden is and how he locks himself up in the basement.
Joe Biden’s Speech
Biden tends to use comprehensible, etiquette full language, regularly pointing his comments at the viewe...
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