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Communications and Media

Essay Instructions:

Read the 3 attached readings, then answer 3 reading response questions. guideline and questions attached as well.



Ryan, R.M., Rigby, S., & Przybylski, A. (2006). The motivational pull of videogames: A self determination theory approach. Motivation and Emotion, 30, 347–63.

Reeves, B. & Read, J.L (2009). Total engagement: How games and virtual worlds are changing the way people work and businesses compete. Boston: Harvard Business School. (Chapters 3 [OPTIONAL] & Chapter 4).

Bogost, I. (2006). Playing politics: Videogames for politics, activism, and advocacy. First Monday, Special Issue #7. https://firstmonday.org/article/view/1617/1532 [Read up to the end of the section titled “Procedural Expression”; you may skim the remainder]

For this week's response, please address the following:

(1)  In discussing the potential of video games for political activism, Bogost makes extensive reference to procedurality, procedural expression, and finally, procedural rhetoric. What does it mean to say something is procedural in a media context? How does procedurality inform the kinds of arguments that can be conveyed through interactive media? Do you think games are an effective medium for persuasion?

(2)  Ryan, Rigby, and Przybylski's theory of motivation highlights three factors that affect our level of intrinsic motivation to engage in an activity: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. What are some examples of media, technology, or products that leverage each of these factors to motivate audiences, users, or consumers? How effective do you think they are?

(3)  Reeves & Read describe ten ingredients common to successful games, and suggest that applying these ingredients to the workplace may improve worker experience and output.  How well do these ingredients align with the basic psychological needs described by Ryan et al?

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1 In discussing the potential of video games for political activism, Bogost makes extension reference to procedural, procedural expression, and finally, procedural rhetoric. What does it mean to say something is procedural in a media context? How does procedural inform the kinds of arguments that can be conveyed through interactive media? Do you think games are an effective medium for persuasion?
Bogost has conceptualized procedural and preceding things such as procedure expression and procedural rhetoric. Procedural in a media context means that in media there must be systematized steps in formulating accurate information to be disseminated to a larger audience. By applying procedural in media, it will enable the designated media staff to be efficiently effective through observing necessary rules according to proper procedures. In interactive media, the rising of endless concerns that lead up to arguments can cause misinformation and misunderstanding; to bridge this gap, procedural can be applied. Through proper and well-reviewed procedures, arguments will be addressed properly and the so-called interactive media can maintain its good pace – this means media will not become toxic. Another is games are a good medium for persuasion because young individuals are more into video games. In regards to this, the dedicated youth gamers have established uncorrupted minds in which they are easily persuaded; especially when the video game has already caught their attention and impression (Bogost, 2006).
2 Ryan, Rigby, and Przbylski’s theory of motivation highlights three factors that affect our level of intrinsic motivation to engage in an activity: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. What are some examples of media, technology, or products that leverage each of these factors to motivate audiences, users, or consumers? How effective do you think they are?
There are a lot of ways to be motivated enough in an activity that one participated in. Examples are the theory of autonomy, competence, and relatedness that are furthe...
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