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Reflective Paper, About Issues of Race / Class / Gender etc

Essay Instructions:

Reflective Papers

Everyone must turn in their own individual paper

Papers should be two pages in length, and should be a coherent reflection addressing the following:

• Why did your group choose to make the changes you did re: race/gender, etc., and what did you personally learn from doing so about issues of race/class/gender etc.

• Thinking about delivery of presentation and the audience, did you learn anything about how "acting" your words can impact an audience? If you remixed an older project, what did you learn about presentation and communicating information? This is not a question about how good or bad the acting was; rather, given that many of you may have changed the dialogue of your scene to suit present-day social views, how did discussing how that character had to change and lines had to be delivered impact your understanding of how characters work and the impotence of emotion, intonation, inflection, enrich the character and your understanding? The people acting in the skit ought to be sure particularly to address this.

• (Given that your papers will be due before everyone has possibly presented, given our library schedule, etc., we will discuss this as a class after presentations conclude on the 3rd. rather than have you write about it). Given that you also had to think about movement and what an audience will “see” did you learn anything about performance?

• What is the value of "re-mix" here, i.e. what did you learn, and do you think these continual re-makes and adaptations of films and television serve a purpose and should be done? Why or why not?

You may also address group dynamics/division of labor issues, etc. re: the project if you wish.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflective Papers
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November 1, 2017
Reflective Paper
In the presentation we have discussed the differences between then and now. More particularly, we analyzed the trends of group dynamics as portrayed in television series Friends and Big Bang Theory. While these two shows how friends spend their time together as well as how does personal aspirations in life (e.g. career, enjoyment, etc.) goes hand in hand with hanging out with friends. In our presentation, the reflection of the “old ways” of hanging out is portrayed by the series “Friends”, while the new one is shown in the new episodes of the series “Big Bang Theory”. These were taken almost a decade apart so it shows a significant difference between the group dynamics of those times. The reason why we chose this, is because these days, the definition of being “social” usually revolves around the idea of being active in social media as well as having many friends, followers, or likers, in it. In other words, we tend focus too much on virtual ways of communicating with other people. By showing how people interact before, how they enjoy hanging out with their friends, and how do they value their time, I believe that we could learn a lot from them, and this is the reason as to why I agreed with the presentation that we made.
Particularly, in our presentation, I believe that our audience would learn how rapid the changes are in technological advanc...
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