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Popular Training Systems: Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Crossfit

Essay Instructions:

Critically analyze the following three popular training systems: bigger, faster, stronger (BFS); crossfit; and high intensity training (HIT). How do they compare to the seven laws of training? Which of these systems of training would be most appropriate for you? Why?

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Analysis of Training Systems by Training Laws
Institution of Affiliation
Analysis of Training Systems
Training systems are set to help us achieve our training objectives in the process of keeping our bodies fit and healthy. Some of these systems include; the bigger, faster, stronger (BFS), CrossFit and high-intensity training (HIT). For these systems to work, like any other structure there are ground rules to follow in this case they are the training laws. Training laws are universal and set up a blueprint when you have chosen a training method. The essay will highlight the training laws and analyze each of these training methods giving the merits and demerits of each by the training laws.
In the prior definition, training laws are blueprints that guide a trainer while choosing the most appropriate structure to get his or her desired outcomes. They apply to every person with an objective when training. These laws differentiate a sprinter, a football player, and a gymnast. Some of these decrees include; answering the question why this is the motivation behind the training. The second law is to know the participants; who use the method of training. The third is the content; what entails the structure or plan picked up when training. The fourth rule is to know the purpose of the exercise. The fifth is coming up with the objectives. The sixth is assessing the workout plans and finally, determine how you...
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