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Social Research: The Working Class And The Middle Class

Essay Instructions:

Read Annette Lareau's research of how social class affects parenting strategies and children's growth (Instructor Commentary and pp. 120-124). Describe
How parenting strategies differ by social class in terms of organization of daily life, language use, social connections, and intervention in social institutions; (20 points)
How do these different strategies matter in children's growth into adulthood? (5 points)
(You may disagree with some of these findings and you have a chance to explain your reasoning in the discussion forum.)
Watch this interview with sociologist C. J. Pascoe (also in the textbook pp. 130-132).
According to her research,
What kind of behavior or temperament would the high school boys label as “fag”? (10 points)
What is the main argument from Ms. Pascoe and provide 3 different evidences
she gave to support the argument? (15 points)
the video link is https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=X_nqYnjfe_8
and at end of page2, I want to add a discussion about
Think about a job that you hold for a sustained period of time. Discuss the learning process of that occupational role with such concepts as role strain, role conflict, and/or “impression management.” Furthermore, you can discuss how does a woman learn to perform in a male-dominated profession or vice versa?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Class
Social Class
There is a difference between the working class and the middle class in the way that they parent. This is relative to the organization of the daily lives approach. In the middle classes, the families have organized activities. Children in the middle classes will have the organized activities such as soccer, violin classes, French classes or even drama classes that are driven by the parents. These are activities that the parents feel shape the lives of the children now and in the future. This is different from the working classes parenting approach where the children have a much more relaxed approach. There is a natural approach where the children choose their daily life activities. Language use on the other hand is more formal when it comes to the middle class. In the middle class children are taught how use vocabularies in their homes compared to the working class. The middle class, have a better command in the language. This is relative to the fact that most of the parents in the middle class try to get their children to understand language. The working class on the hand do take the chance to educate their children on language. This brings out the difference between the middle class and the working class. The social connections on other hand, when it comes to the middle class, there is a formal approach. This is relative to the fact that for the working class, forming the social connections takes much of their time, as they are able to relate with much ease. This is the same case when it comes to the intervention in social institutions. For the middle class children, social instit...
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