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Is Patriotic Education necessary?

Essay Instructions:

PERSUASION AND ARGUMENT ESSAY INTRODUCTION *an engaging HOOK to capture the readers attention *content * a clear, engaging, compelling, and underlined THESIS statement BODY *must be written in third  person point -of -view with no references to"I" in body paragraph and no reference to "you"    throughout *all body paragraph ideas directly support the thesis *the essay overcomes abvious objections from the opposite point_of_view *at least two outside CREDIBLE sources to support the thesis *Wikipedia may be used to define or identify a topic , but not as a source *sources provide credible, expert opinion or little known facts/statistics *the outside source are properly cited with in the context of the essay *smooth transition tags to connect ideas *arranged in emphatic order, saves strongest argument for last *the essay appeals to reason, logic , thesis( emotion) , or a combination * the essay makes a persuative argument * must have three convincing criteria to directly support the thesis must be in emphatic order CONCLUSION *tie up any lose end *answer any remaining ananswered questions * offer potential solutions to problems *fully developed thesis statment ********NOTE B I would like to request an outline in the next 24 hours I would like the reader to use PRO AND CAN to compare both sides of the argument.

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Is Patriotic Education necessary?NameInstitution
Is Patriotic Education necessary?
Is it common for children to be linked more to their country of residence than their ancestral land? Regardless of division in arguments, children become citizens of residence countries, develop prospects of earning a living, raising a family, and later on, participate in a myriad of democratic processes like voting. Nevertheless, educators and proponents of patriotic studies claim and believe that learners need to be taught about their ancestral culture because a positive relationship between them and their ancestral culture positively influences their self-esteem (Ravitch, 2006). However, how necessary is it to teach a child born in a foreign country, to be proud of his/her ancestral land instead of his/her country of residence (one that he/she has known to be his/her home,)? It is possible that many people migrated from their ancestral lands because they wanted to flee from tyrannical regimes or dire poverty, and they found refuge in the country of residence. Consequently, it is strange on how teaching students and associating them with these kinds of settings is expected to build students’ self-esteem no matter how positive the relationship can be.
Although majority of state schools in many nations of the world teach students to respect their countries with the aim of building a strong and vibrant national community, irrespective of diversities in ethnic origins, other nations like the United states have embraced the spirit of patriotism and allowed teaching students their respective ancestral cultures (Lauterbach, 2005). Unlike other nations whose ties are attributed to religion and blood, the U.S’s ties are as attributed to shared obedience to the democratic ideology, implanted in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence (Ravitch, 2006). This essay will seek to oppose the argument that patriotic education is necessary because students need not to only love the commitments and accomplishments of men and women who have sacrificed their lives to earn them freedom and better lives but they also deserve to know the failures of their countries and also appreciate the virtues and cultures of other nations. According to Lauterbach (2005) patriotism is the love one has for his/her country. Hence patriotic education deals with teaching students what is likely to promote love for the countries.
Education is a tool used in preparing children and young adults to be responsible citizens (Elias, 2005). Nevertheless, good citizenry and accruing of other virtues of life is not attributed as an achievement of patriotic education alone, implying that patriotism should not be thought as distinct subject. This means that in a school setup, specific time should not be set to tech instructions on patriotism. Instead, students should possess highly solid civic education to study the institutions and ideas of the Founders of the nation(s) (Branson & Quigley, 1998).
Another reason why patriotic education is unnecessary is because it only insists about one’s love for his/her country while avoiding to help them learn not just the working of their democratic institutions but also their failures and how they can be salvaged and strengthened to defend rights people across different ethnic groups (Ravitch, 2006). Students also need to learn the contributions of previous generations in seeking liberty and improving their societies. For instance, students studying American History in American schools ought to study men and women of various backgrounds and races, who fought to offer them a land of justice, freedom, and opportunity. In addition, students also deserve to learn about the shortcomings of their democracy, denials of justice and freedom, plighting their history. All these imply that emphasizing on learning patriotic education limits students’ opportunities of learning both the accomplishments and failures of their countries.
As much as there is need to teach students to value themselves at individual levels, value their countries, virtues and families, they also should learn to value and be grateful to countries of residence because they cater for their education and gives them opportunities to make a difference in their lives (Lantieri, 2001). This means that one’s love for an ancestral land should not influence him/her to turn a blind eye to the faults of their countries. For instance, their loved ones were forced to flee and seek refuge in their present countries of residence and they might have turned to be better homes for their families. If anything, these students should consider their country of residence their home. If there were to be a better home for them in their ancestral lands, their parents could not have deserted their comfort to seek refuge in their countries of residence. As a result, patriotic education might be considered irrelevant to them because it is easy to love a country that has offered them their basic needs than the one that made life unbearable for their parents and hence they had to leave.
Another reason patriotic education is unnecessary is that it might lead to contradictions, distortion, and misrepres...
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