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Charles Dickens: Hard Times

Essay Instructions:

Properly give my source(s) credit using the APA format and the paper should not include more than 20% of direct quotes from other sources. Make sure to provide proper outside sources. Charles Dickens was not only an author but one of the most important social commentators of his time, who used his writing as a tool of expression for his criticisms of Victorian England. After reading the selection from Charles Dickens’ “Hard Times”, choose one of the following topics to find out more about, and write a clearly developed and well-formed research paper on your chosen topic. Follow the writing process and use APA format to cite sources used. Use the following two websites to help you in your writing: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/658/01/ https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/section/2/10/ 1.Dickens was a strong champion for children’s rights in a time when children were treated as property. Research and discuss some of the abuses of children during Victorian Times. 2.Research and discuss classism in England during Victorian Times. What were the social classes of this time? What problems were caused because of classism? 3.Research and discuss the role of women in Victorian England. What were some of the abuses of women? Each essay should be well developed with a clear intro with thesis, body paragraphs that support, and a conclusion. Your essay should be a minimum of 500 words and have a corresponding works cited page of all sources used. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Charles Dickens
[Name of Student]
[Name of Professor]
[Course Title]
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens should not only be considered as one of the very first and an exceptional non-rural English novelist, but Dickens was also one of the most significant social critic who had made effective use of fiction to analyze social, economic and moral mistreatments of the Victorian age CITATION Phi13 \l 1033 (Collins, 2013). Dickens had contributed to numerous significant reforms of the society. In the novel "Hard Times", individual relationships are being polluted by economics. In this essay, the role of women in the Victorian era is being briefly analyzed and some of the women abuses have also been discussed.
In Hard Times, Charles Dickens follows the Victorian women’s role, where women were regarded as clean and pure. Their role in the society was to own children and to serve their families. Women of that era were being provided with some sort of rights though, but those women still appeared fighting for their autonomy. Hard Times asserts Dickens’ point of view on womanhood, as he analyses and prophesizes the true identity of women. As per Dickens, during the Victorian era; women’s ideology was being viewed as their partner’s property and this thing was also demonstrated in the family life. For example, women were not allowed to manage their personal sexual acts CITATION Mel10 \l 1033 (Vuuren, 2010).
With the help of several women characters in the Hard Times, Charles Dickens has proposed that feminine empathy is extremely necessary to reinstitute social balance. Dickens has also mentioned in the novel that massive amounts of working class females worked in the garment industry, factories or in the laundries and at numerous other positions. Additionally, women must have to perform their responsibilities thoroughly and intelligently; in order to regulate a reputable household and assure the happiness, well being and comfort of the family. Thus according to Dickens, an honorable woman should pos...
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