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Milk consumption and bone fracture risk

Essay Instructions:

Module 3 - SLP SAMPLING Suppose that your research topic is “milk consumption and bone fracture risk.” A corresponding research question would thus be: “What is the relationship between daily consumption of milk and bone fracture risk?” A review of the empirical literature suggests that milk consumption may decrease the likelihood of bone fracture, but findings reported are limited to women ages 65 and above. You would like to examine this relationship in a different segment of the population; let’s say school-aged youths. Given that prior research suggests a relationship exists, you might hypothesize the following: Research Hypothesis (one-tailed): Ho: School-aged youths who consume milk on a daily basis are equally as likely or more likely (than those who do not) to experience bone fractures. Ha: School-aged youths who consume milk on a daily basis are less likely to experience bone fractures. …where Ho reflects the null hypothesis and Ha the alternative hypothesis, which corresponds to the outcome that you, the researcher, expect to observe. Another way of stating your hypothesis would be in two-tailed format, i.e., Research Hypothesis (two-tailed): Ho: There is no relationship between daily milk consumption and bone fracture risk among school-aged youths. Ha: There is a relationship between daily milk consumption and bone fracture risk among school-aged youths. (Two-tailed hypotheses are used in instances in which a research is not able to anticipate the direction of a hypothesized relationship.) Your Specific Task for this Assignment Using the examples provided about, formulate your own research hypothesis corresponding to the research question you selected in Module 1. Add this to the previous components of your SLP, ensuring that there is consistency from research question-to-literature review-to- research hypothesis. (Your research hypothesis should correspond directly to your research question; if this is not the case, please revise either accordingly.) Upload the resultant document, which should be 6-7 pages in length, for my review. SLP Assignment Expectations Ensure that there is alignment across the three components of your project, i.e., research question, literature review, research hypothesis. Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding. In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read ALL required background materials. Be sure to cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at the end. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list. Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been address clearly and completely. Length: 6-7 pages typed, double-spaced. Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source of information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Milk consumption and bone fracture risk
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Milk consumption and bone fracture risk
For many years, many research activities have been conducted to review the relationship between milk consumption and bone fracture. Few researchers in the world today have dedicated their time to find a relationship between the milk consumption and bone fracture risk among school-aged children. School-aged children are faced with high risks of osteoporotic fracture and humorous fractures (International Symposium on Nutritional Aspects of Osteoporosis, 2013). Although there are several research activities that have been carried out to find a relationship between milk consumption and the risks of getting bone fractures during adulthood, few have made efforts to dedicate their time on the effect at adolescence period.
There are various reasons as to why scientists have linked a relationship between milk consumption and bone fracture. First of all milk is one of the common sources of proteins for human beings. Many people consume milk on a daily basis. Milk consumption is done under different kinds of food products and meals. For instance, most of the people take milk together with tea while others take milk without adding any other food stuffs. Other foodstuffs that contain milk include chocolates and cakes. Milk can also be consumed in the form of other milk products like cheese, geese, and yoghurt.
The relationship between milk products and bone fractures arise from the main ingredients of milk. Milk being a source of protein plays a vital role in building worn out tissues of the body. In addition, proteins are also useful in formation of muscles and bones. However, one of the fundamental reasons why research has concentrated on the relationship between milk products and bone fracture is because one of the key ingredients in milk is calcium. Milk contains a high percentage of calcium. Coincidentally bones are formed by a high percentage of calcium. Therefore, this fact draws the attention of research in establishing a relationship between milk consumption and bone fracture.
Many researches attribute that the human body needs a lot of calcium to supplement the high demand for calcium in the human bones. Since milk is known to contain an enormous quantity of calcium, the human body will be in a good position if one consumes milk on a daily basis. However, the big question remains on the relationship between daily milk consumption and the risk of bone fracture. Therefore, in this research the main focus will be to investigate the relationship between daily milk consumption and bone fracture.
It is important to identify the effects of milk consumption and the risk of bone fracture at each stage of human growth and development. Bone fractures occur at every stage of human development due to various risks one is exposed to. Although the frequency may vary, the probability of occurrence of bone fractures should be investigated, and a clear relationship between milk consumption and the occurrence drawn. The objective of this research, therefore, is to identify the relationship between milk consumption on a daily basis and the risk of bone fracture among the school-aged children or the adolescents. It is important to note that there are several children who do not consume milk on a daily basis. The hypothesis here is that there is a relationship between milk consumption and bone fracture among school-aged children.
Research question: What is the relationship between daily consumption of milk and bone fracture risk?
This research will be focused on the risk of one getting a bone fracture due to daily consumption of milk. Does daily milk consumption increase the possibility of one getting a fracture of it reduces the risk of getting a bone structure especially among school going children
Hypothesis: There is a relationship between daily milk consumption and bone fracture risk among school-aged children.
Literature review
In order to understand the relationship between daily milk consumption and the risks of getting bone fractures, it is better to analyze the characteristics of school-aged children and connect with the previous research findings. Most of the previous research activities have concentrated on the general relationships between milk consumption and bone fractures without giving proper characteristics of the people under investigation.
Many if not all school-aged children are engaged in various playing activities in and outside their school environment, most of them are energetic and enjoy playing various games. Some of these games are physical or require the use of body parts such as legs and or hands. Therefore, most of the schools aged youths are at a high risk of getting bone fractures. Therefore, there is a need to reduce the risk of these children getting bone fractures. One of the ways to reduce the risk of school children getting bone fractures is by observing the kind of foods they eat. Among the food stuffs that are highly associated with bones is milk. Therefore, there is a need to find a relationship between bone fracture risk and consumption of milk among these youths. Furthermore, previous research conducted on women aged 65 years and above revealed that there is a relationship between milk consumption and bone fractures. It was observed that women aged 65 years and above have a reduced risk of getting bone fracture after daily consumption of milk (Watson et al. 2011). In a research carried among women aged 65 years old, it was observed that their ...
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