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Indian immigrants Outline. Challenges Indian Immigrants Face in Canada

Essay Instructions:

topic about indian immigrants

Heritage in Context Essay Outline Checklist (1-2 pages)

• Which ethnic group will you research? (be very clear)

• What time period will your essay cover? Give dates. (approx. 30-50 years)

• Tentative thesis statement (what will you argue about this group’s immigration and work?)

• Reference list of preliminary sources (at least 4, in APA format)

• General structure of essay (how will you organize it?)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Challenges Indian Immigrants Face in Canada Outline
Institution Affiliation
The Challenges Indian Immigrants Face in Canada
Immigration has been a controversial issue across the world. Immigrants confront various challenges in their new lands where they need to adjust to the new life and its measurements. The US has fixed its immigration strategies making it hard for those getting away wars and different calamities to discover their way in the nation. Canada has been making enormous advancement in obliging and settling immigrants in its land. However, these foreigners have confronted various challenges in the country.
Ethnic Group:
In this essay, I will discuss the challenges Indian Immigrants face in the country especially in getting into the country and access to job opportunities. Moreover, I will address the effects of these challenges to their families.
After the First and Second World Wars, a new global migration era was welcomed after the 1950s (Rudolph, 2013). It was during this time that a new pattern of migration was also witnessed. People migrated from culturally and religiously different regions in developing countries into states with advanced economies. The ...
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