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Music is one of the most interesting forms of performing arts.

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Concert Report
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Music is one of the most interesting, diverse and unique forms of performing arts. With the passage of time, it has evolved in a lot of ways. Melodies and styles that were once considered unfit have now become an integral part of music videos and concerts. I have always been in love with concerts. Most recently, I got a chance to attend the Fabulous Superlatives Concert and String Quartet Classic with a couple of friends. The first concert was held on August 10, 2018, and the second was held in April 2018.
The ArtsQuest venue of Fabulous Superlatives Concert was new to me and my friends. We had never been there before but were quite impressed by the overall environment and friendly staff. Parking was free for everyone, which was the first good impression of the venue on me. The ArtsQuest is a nonprofit organization that provides access to culture, educational and art programs for people of the Lehigh Valley and everyone who wants to have fun with friends and family. While in the hall, I got a chance to see around and was amazed to see people smiling and enjoying time together. When the concert started, Marty Stuart and the Fabulous Superlatives took our hearts with their performance. Young people mostly attend their concerts, but this time, I could see some families in the hall. They were enjoying the performance of their favorite artists.
The group began their performance with a love song, and most of the folks were there to see Marty and to take his autograph. The band is truly superlative and fabulous. They made me and my friends feel energetic with their outstanding performance. Harry Stenson spent most of the time on background vocals and drums. Paul Martin played guitar to entertain the young audience, and Kenny Vaughan played an acoustic guitar to amaze the fans. I could not stop myself from admiring Roger and Clarence’s Rickenbacker 370/12 guitars that were great in their own ways. During and after the show, I took a lot of photos and did not miss any chance to get close to the stage as much as possible.
The second show that was held in April was also breathtaking for me. String Quartet Classic is where I got a chance to hear the music of local composers. It was a kind of...
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