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Importance of Art Pieces

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Guidelines:

Select one artist covered in the lecture and one of their artworks to critique.

Title the essay in a way that provides anticipation for the content of the essay.

In the introductory paragraph of your essay, introduce the artist and artwork providing background information for each.

For example: What is the artist’s name? What is their nationality? Where do they live? What type of work do they make? What artwork are you going to cover? What is its title? What materials is it made out of? When was it made? How is the piece experienced?

At the end of the introductory paragraph, provide your thesis. This is your critique of the artwork.

There are many judgements you may have for the work of art you are writing about and it is up to you to develop those into your critique. If you are struggling to develop your critique, start with considering the effectiveness or impact of the artwork. Does the artwork change the way you think about something? Does it not? Does it make you think differently about some ideas, but not others? Does the work operate only on sensationalism or shock value? Is the work well-researched and nuanced providing many interpretations by many different people?

In the following paragraphs, describe the artwork at length and provide your arguments that support and flesh out your critique of the artwork. In these paragraphs, you are answering WHY you critique the artwork in this way.

In your concluding paragraph, relay your thesis (that is not just re-stating it) that summarizes your perceived impact of the work of art.

Think about the artwork's personal impact upon you, the cultural impact of the artwork, the historical impact, and/or the political impact of the artwork.

7. Embed an image of the work you discussed within your essay. Add an appropriate citation to your Works Cited page.

Examples of art critics writing art reviews:

Roberta Smith’s review of Orlan from 1993.

David J. Getsy’s review of Cassils from 2017.

Kara Q. Smith’s review of Stelarc from 2012.

Technical Requirements:

Your response to this assignment must contain between 500 - 700 words to receive top marks with a maximum of 700 words in length (not including bibliography).

Your response must be conceptually polished and fully edited when submitted as a finished product.

Your response must be submitted to its assigned CANVAS assignment box by the due date and time assigned for this assignment.

All research sources used must be fully and accurately documented using the citation standards of the Modern Language Association (MLA). See Writing Guidelines and Student Sample Paper for more information.

Your response must be formatted in a readable typeface (e. g., Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica) and saved as a DOC/DOCX (Microsoft word) file. No other file formats will be accepted for evaluation. Double-spaced, 12 pt. font size, 1-inch margins on all sides, and only one space after periods or other punctuation marks.

Provide a title for all written assignments for modules 1-6 and for the final paper.

When submitting your response to the CANVAS assignment box, please label your file "FIRST NAME LAST NAME ASSIGNMENT #". For example, "Sidney Mullis Assignment 4".

Successful participation in this module exercise will demonstrate the student's ability to:

Identify and analyze this recorded lecture, as well as perform self-directed research to relay an understanding of contemporary art themes, practices, artworks and art terminology.

Identify and analyze this recorded lecture, as well as perform self-directed research to relay an understanding of historical, cultural, social and political events and ideologies that implicate contemporary culture.

Define, apply, and convey his / her understandings of and opinions about contemporary art in discipline-specific written conventions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor's Name
November 9, 2020
Artist Critique
Understanding the importance of pieces of art and the societal circumstances surrounding it is essential for anyone. It allows them to appreciate an art piece's underlying meaning relative to the artist's personality and societal events during its conception. In this article, I would like to analyze the contemporary performance art by Cassils, who is a Canadian-born artist based in Los Angeles, California. Specifically, my analysis and reflection would revolve around his piece entitled Inextinguishable Fire. This art piece was performance art in 2015 wherein the artist set himself aflame and filmed himself while wearing a yellow protective suit. All in all, I believe that Cassil's art piece is inspiring because of the combination of his personality, his medium, and his expression of his ideas and vision.
Reflection and Critique
One of the main reasons why Cassil's work entitled Inextinguishable Fire is one of the most interesting pieces of art is the artist's 'inclusion' in the art piece. Although most performance arts necessitate the artist's inclusion in one way or another, Cassil's work takes this idea of inclusion to a different level. He risked his life by placing himself as the medium for the flame to create a stronger emotional impact on his viewers, especially those who viewed the exhibition live. Additionally, he added an element of tension and shock by projecting each act in a widescreen projector for his audience. Accordingly, a purview of the artist's explanation of his work reveals that creating this idea of horror and tension helps him convey his message CIT...
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