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Synthetic Speech Voice in a User Interface

Essay Instructions:

(1) According to Nass & Brave (2005), under what conditions should an interface not refer to itself as "I"? Why not?

(2) Pavlus (2015) states that "[o]ur dumb, silo'ed apps are slowly but steadily becoming smart, context-aware services that link, share, and talk to each other without us having to necessarly see or touch those little squares.". What does he mean by "context"? According to the author, how are assistants - such as Siri and Google Now - causing this transformation in apps?

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The first condition under which a user interface should not say I is in a synthetic-speech voice (Nass & Brave, 2005). Although synthetic speech does cue a huge array of heuristics and social rules, it does not meet the required humanness that would allow it to use I. The second condition is when both recorded speech and synthetic speech voices are used. This is because the word I sounds very human, and it makes people question whether the utterer reserves the right to call himself human (Nass & Brave, 2005).
What Pavlus (2015) means by context is what we use our phones for. When one uses a particular app, say a gaming app, the app, and other apps on the phone, become increasingly aware of how you use that app, when you use it, and why you use it. Context here can also be ...
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