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Film Discussion: Happy

Essay Instructions:

watch the documentary film Happy (2011). You can view that movie, which is roughly an hour and fifteen minutes long, by clicking here (Links to an external site.). (https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=ISOcLS6U6TU&ab_channel=whatis)

After viewing the film, post a discussion to the following question:

“Were there any scenes in the film that challenged what you've tended to think about happiness? If so, why did that scene (or scenes) surprise you? Or did the movie confirm what you already believed to be true? If so, in what respects?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion: Happiness
Student’s Name
Discussion: Happiness
Happiness and the pursuit of happiness is a paramount part of human existence. Different people around the world have varying views and definitions of happiness. My definition of happiness has always been centered on material things. Watching the Happy (2011) film has been an eye-opener because there are several instances where my view of happiness was challenged.
The first scene that challenged my thinking was the one where a man, living in Kolkata slum in India, indicated that he is happy when he sees his son. I found his sentiment “I feel that I am not poor, but I am the richest person” to be deep and empowering. Despite his low socio-economic status, this man was able to derive happiness from non-material things, such as family and good neighbors. I ...
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