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Impact of The US Not Participating in The First World War

Essay Instructions:


With so many individuals, events, cultures and technology interacting throughout history - it is easy and perhaps seductive to think of what might have happened if things had gone differently? These scenarios are known as counterfactual's, where if one aspect or detail in history were slightly altered, how would that perhaps change the course of history?

You are tasked with reflecting on the events which have transpired within the content and scope of the course, and write a short essay exploring one of the topics listed below. You are encouraged to use the course textbook as well as any and/or all of the online course material to support your arguments within your paper.

You should NOT use any outside sources of any kind as this essay is meant to be your own reflection, informed by the course material, including the textbook, which we will assume you'll be using. As a result, you will typically not need to cite or reference anything. The one exception to this is if you decide to quote anything directly, i.e. word-for-word. In that case, you will need to do a proper APA citation (for that direct quotation) and also create an APA reference page to go at the end of the essay, with the source you quoted listed there (probably the course textbook). If you aree unsure how to cite or reference in APA, you can find out how to do it at this website: OWL Purdue.

But again, this essay is meant to be entirely your own reflection built upon your understanding of the course material and prior knowledge. In your essay, you are welcome to - and encouraged, to discuss more than one possible outcome in relation to your question. Feel free to explore different scenarios, but make sure your conclusions are plausible and defended with specific supporting evidence.

Length: 2-3 pages double-spaced, 12-point font. Paper must be a minimum 2 full pages, and cannot exceed 3 pages.

Title Page: You must include a title page; this must include your name and student number, your professor's name, the date, and the title of the essay (which should make clear which topic you've chosen to explore).

Due: Submit to the Essay Dropbox before the end of Week 11 by midnight.

Value: 25% of your final course grade.

Topic: Please pick ONE of the following:

What would have happened if the French had extended the Maginot Line through Belgium to the water's edge rather than stopping at the border of France and Belgium?

What would have happened if Germany had sustained its bombing pressure on Britain in late 1940, rather than calling it off? Keep in mind that the British were almost at the point where they could no longer replace aircraft and pilots at the rate they were losing them.

What would have happened if Germany had ultimately won in Northern Africa... and driven the Allies out?

As has been described in various places in the course material, British codebreakers spent most of 1942 unable to crack German naval codes (including submarine ones). If this "blindness" had continued through 1943 and beyond, what would have happened?

What would have happened if the United States had not entered the First World War?

What would have happened if Germany had not aided in the safe transporting of Lenin back to the Soviet Union in 1917... and, as a result, he never got there?

What would have happened if the assassination of Franz Ferdinand had never happened at all (in the sense that no attempt had even been made on his life)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impact of The Us Not Participating in The First World War
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The first world war resulted in a lot of changes in Europe which were facilitated by the involvement of the united states of America in the war. Therefore, in a situation whereby the US did not participate in the war, then this could have an impact on the countries that participated in the war as well as the US.
The British participated a lot on the United States of America for the purchase of weapons. Therefore, if the US decided not to participate in the war, then they could not be in a position to sell British the weapons that they required to win their battles. This could result in Britain having weak armies and, in turn, end up being defeated by countries that had access to better weapons as compared to what they could have attained in the united states. However, the impact could not have been huge because Britain was known to be a strong empire and, therefore, without the involvement of the United States of America, it would still have been matched with Germany to acquire the military power that they required during the war. Britain could not have been able to afford sophisticated weapon and therefore, would have been forced to collide with other countries and play a defensive role instead of being a superpower in the war. Therefore, this could have changed the outcome of the war in terms of the treaties...
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