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Superbugs: Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogens. Text Analysis Essay

Essay Instructions:

please follow all the below instructions closely and properly.

In an essay of 1,100-1,200 words , introduce, analyze, and evaluate the source provided called "source for TA" for text analysis . I have also provided 4 sample text analysis papers so the writer has an idea of what is expected and how to write this order.

 Introductory paragraph. Your first sentence should include the title of the text, the author’s name(s) and credentials, and the thesis or general hypothesis. The remainder of the first paragraph should be a brief summary of the text, followed by a statement about the significance of this text in the literature on your research topic and the conclusion derived in that original paper.

 Body paragraphs. The body paragraphs should address the following questions: How is the article structured? What are they key parts of the text, and how are they related to the purpose of the article? If the article reports on original research, it should be clear where, how, and most importantly, why it was done. When you include borrowed material, introduce and cite it according to APA Style.

 Concluding paragraph. Acknowledging the contributions of this source to the scholarly or professional conversation on this topic, point out the limitations of this source. What ideas does it suggest for future research?

 Include a Reference (or Work Cited) entry. (No separate page necessary.)

IMPORTANT tips for writing this paper:


When you’re reading your article for your Text Analysis, be aware of the questions the researchers asked and how they went about answering them. Be aware of how their questions differ from those of other researchers in the field (including you), at least in the scope of the research. If the article contains a study, what makes it different from other studies? What makes it particularly valuable?. Also keep in mind the theme of your own topic for future literature review "The effects of antibiotic resistance in pathogens found in water system and how good the waste water treatment plants are".


while reading source article Break the article down into smaller parts (if there are subheadings, this is relatively simple), and then when writing organize the body of your paper accordingly(but without sub headings) , but focus on the parts that are most relevant to the topic of " The effects of antibiotic resistance in pathogens found in water system and how good the waste water treatment plants are" . A reader interested in your research topic should know which parts of the article are most useful.

*Summarizing vs. Quoting/citing

You can summarize many things: the purpose of the research, the methods, the findings, and the researchers’ conclusions. However, you should directly quote specific evidence the researchers use to support their conclusions, especially when their interpretation is new, or when the language is particularly expressive. Instead of quoting full sentences or paragraphs, try to integrate language from the source into the structure of your own sentence.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Text Analysis
25 March 2019
Superbugs: Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogens
In “ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE PATTERNS OF SALMONELLA AND ESCHERICHIA COLI IN THE GROUNDWATER OF CYPRUS,” Constantinos Economides, Maria Liapi, and Konstantinos C. Makris, veterinary services researchers in the Cyprus Ministry of Agriculture and from the Cyprus University of Technology, evaluate the magnitude and variability of Salmonella and Escherichia coli antibiotic resistance patterns in groundwater samples collected on-site at various confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) around the island of Cyprus. Their research hypothesized that historical use of veterinary antibiotics in Cyprus has resulted in increased antibiotic resistance for E. coli and Salmonella species in groundwater located near CAFOs within the island. This research is vital to scholars keen on understanding the relationships between antibiotic resistance in pathogens and health in the society. Previously, researchers focused on understanding pathogens and their transmission through waterborne sources with little attention paid to the development of antibiotic resistance. The authors used theoretical analysis to explain how the antibiotic works and how they can cause resistance in pathogens if the water treatment is not adequate, and an experiment and field work to test and prove their hypothesis. The study involved isolating strains from the groundwater samples collected from wells drilled on CAFOs’ property from all five major districts of Cyprus. The researchers found considerable risk to human health through oral consumption of groundwater contaminated with Escherichia coli and Salmonella. The authors in this study recommend better management practices to be developed for water supplies relying on groundwater, especially in rural areas to minimize exposure to the antibiotic-resistant pathogens. In this way, this study proves quintessential to understanding the development and impacts of antibiotic-resistant pathogens in water supplies. This review, and its associated study, can be leveraged to help develop a generalized and appropriate understanding of how to manage the development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens.
It is important to note that the authors of this article sought to highlight the development of antibiotic-resistant pathogens and the impacts that they have (or stand to have) on the public health spectrum of the communities in Cyprus (Economides et al., 2012). In order to actualize this idea, the article opens by elaborating on the linkages between animal-to-human infections and the role that water sources play in this regard. This is a logical and sound approach to the problem, seeing as it further sheds light on the role that water sources play in transmitting infections and affecting public health. More specifically, the authors explore the role of groundwater in this cycle as well as how antibiotic resistance came into existence from a historical assessment antibiotic use (Economides et al., 2012). For the article, this structure provides both context and perspective on the relationships between antibiotic-resistant pathogens and groundwater sources. From this point of view, it becomes significantly easier for readers to make the connections between said pathogens and water sources today, thereby making the article more effective (Economides et al., 2012).
Moreover, the structure takes on a simplistic approach to the topic at hand. By only having introduction, methodology and materials, results, and discussion sections, the structure of the paper is kept simple and effective. This goes a long way towards breaking down the topic into its relevant subsets and shedding light on them. At the same time, these sections form the core parts of the text and play a critical role in shaping the direction in which the conversation proceeds as well as refining the perspective that readers are provided with on the matter at hand. This is a critical part of any effective paper seeing as it enables the authors to make simple and straightforward c...
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