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Mini Case Questions Literature & Language Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Provide a 75-100 word response to each of the following questions in chapter 10 of the textbook:10-1, 10-2, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6, and 10-8.

You are required to use two qualified references in addition to your textbook for this assignment. A cover page is required.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


10–1.Identify critical success factors for the system integration of the two practices discussed in the MMG mini-case that follows.

10–2.What are some of the project management implications for the integration of the practices?

10–4.How would you secure access to the data and what personnel implications do you fore-see? How do you ensure that the proper records are updated in a timely manner?

10–5.The combined practice wants to implement wireless notepads for the physicians and staff to make changes directly to a patient’s records. What data integrity and security issues do you foresee?

10–6.What key performance indicators should the management of the practice monitor?

10–8.What is the importance of having end-user involvement in the implementation of the combined HMIS? How do you go about getting them engaged in the process?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mini Case Questions Samples
1 Identify critical success factors for the system integration of the two practices discussed in the MMG mini-case that follows.
This is the appreciation of the to the analysis done the founds were that the providers could have sent the patients to have the test done within the same office rather than refer them out and then been able to have a better control and raise the security of the site and ensure that the vendors are getting their payments.
2 What are some of the project management implications for the integration of the practices?
It makes sure that the project is accomplished on time needs to be prepared and followed at the initial and subsequent planning stages. A flexible schedule should be enough to accommodate the delays that might be unexpected. The implementation date is essential to be timetable to inspire management confidence in the installation plan.
3 How would you secure access to the data and what personnel implication do you foresee? How do you ensure that the proper records are updated in a timely manner?
Educating the users is a must thing so as to ensure that there is astrong security-conscious workforce. To reduce policy violation, use security software to automate policy enforcement (Citrix, 2018). Delegating to only a few people the job of being in charge of the record updating so is easier to keep track of who is doing what and when.
4 The combined practice wants to implement wireless notepads for the physicians and staff to make changes directly to patient’s records. What data integrity and security issues do you foresee?
The department should also increase protection for providerand the ben...
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