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Identifying Acts that Depicts Manliness and Masculinity

Essay Instructions:

In this project, you will design and perform an act that runs contrary to your normal gendered performance, and produce a series of written assignments related to this act.

While performing this assigned act, you will actually be conducting your own research study using participant observation. Participant observation is a qualitative research method employed by social scientists who go "into the field" to conduct research while participating as a member of the society the scientist is studying.

After you read the full description of the project, you may be a bit nervous about the required playing-with-gender performance; that is normal! The project is all about stepping out of your gender comfort zone.

One reason that I am asking you to read through the entire project this early in the term is to give you more time to think about what you might want to do and to ask questions. You should also notice that there are suggestions provided for coming up with more or less "major" playing-with-gender acts in the assignment for Part 2 on the Syllabus.

As a response to this topic, please post

  1. any questions you have about the project (required -- write "no questions" if you don't have any)
  2. any feelings you have about this project right now, at the beginning of the course (required)
  3. any ideas, if you have any, for playing-with-gender acts you might perform, or that someone else of a different gender could consider performing (required -- write "no ideas yet" if you don't have any)

For additional background and inspiration, you might like to watch the following optional 17-minute video:

Rezes, J. M. (2020, March). A playful exploration of gender performance [Video]. TED. https://www.ted.com/talks/jo_michael_rezes_a_playful_exploration_of_gender_performance


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Applied Final Project
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Applied Final Project
Going beyond gender roles and experiences in a more conformist society is challenging and bound to elicit a series of mixed reactions. Performances in arts depicting gender roles can be used to understand the perception of people toward the notion of gender roles. In my performance, I would like to demonstrate acts that depict “manliness and masculinity.” I would do this by acting and talking with an increased sense of aggressiveness and boldness, wearing more masculine clothing and colors, and examine how the audience reacts to such theatrics.
This performance goes against the normative gender roles that women are expected to express. Our society expects men and women to behave, speak, present, and dress in a particular approach. The gender roles involve a set of societal beliefs that people must act, dress, chat, and conductive themselves in a way that matches to assigned sex. More often, girls or women are expec...
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