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How Covid-19 Widened Inequality in Education Systems and Who are the most Affected?

Essay Instructions:

Research Method for Educational Studies in a Pandemic Emergency (35%):

Building upon (operationalizing) your last proposal and course director feed-back (my feedback: your research concern: what have you learned, and where does your research activity on this research concern leave you in terms future directions or new research questions (where might you go next?). In particular, what do you learn about yourself that may be valuable to other students?)

The final RI paper will present a deeper understanding of your topic (area of interest in COVID impacts on education) to include: context (where, how, why, what); review of relevant sources utilized to construct your paper; concluding finding/implications (strengths and weakness of your research to date) and implication (where would you want to go from here with research on your topic—next steps). The main goal of the final paper is to demonstrate (provide evidence) that you have identified a substantive research topic (significance, whether contemporary or historical, local or international), and that you have utilized identifiable (process) research tools, reliable data, reviewed select literature to conduct your study, and to develop your paper. You are encouraged to embed in your paper select tables, graphs, photographs, audio-visual links, or forms of reportage to animate your paper in an interesting. We will discuss the write-up, structure, format for this assignment in class. This is a short paper assignment no more than six (6) double-spaced (1500 words maximum, use your word-count function, 12- point font only.

#In order to facilitate discussion and to archive our collective work, each student is required to submit in advance a 250 word max (single spaced) abstract/summary of the paper posted to the course eClass Forum devoted to the Research Paper Abstracts.

I will upload my proposal, because last time, the previous writer did not meet my instruction and they send my paper to a new writer which is you. But, I'm already late to hand in, no time to wait for the paper to be done. Follow my proposal's ideas and continue to finish this new assignment please.

I've already uploaded my own proposal, since the previous writer did not meet my criteria, and they assigned my paper to a different writer, which is you. however, I'm already late for handing in; I don't have time to wait for the new paper to be completed. And please follow my own proposal's ideas and complete this new assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Covid-19 Has Widened Inequality in Education Systems
(Student’s Name)
(Affiliated Institution)
(Instructor’s Name)
There is a sense in which a wide gap of inequality exists in the education system in Canada. The assertion is true as different factors come into play. The paper introduces the major factors that are pertinent to inequality experienced in the education system of Canada. Particularly, when the pandemic (Covid-19) hit Canada, most sectors were affected. Education was hugely affected as it is the one of the sectors that drive the economy of Canada. This is possible as through education, underprivileged students have hopes of securing jobs which will improve their livelihoods. Through examination of different sources that different scholars had written, results show that underprivileged students suffer in the education system of Canada. The hypothesis is that while well-off students (those from privileged backgrounds) can afford alternative learning methods, socio-economically disadvantaged ones are left to struggle. Underprivileged students are lagging, unable to access online learning and resources for remote learning
How Covid-19 Has Widened Inequality in Education Systems
Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the education systems in Canada. The effect is felt in Canada and entire Europe, and other continents CITATION Hol20 \l 1033 (Hollingsworth, 2020). School closures disrupted education systems. Studies reveal that Covid-19 led to learning losses and high inequality in education systems. The most affected are individual students from disadvantaged backgrounds CITATION Col20 \l 1033 (Colizzi et al., 2020). These students from low-income families and society cannot afford or meet the given alternatives such as online learning. The inability to access the internet and afford online learning technique has caused learning loss to the disadvantaged group of students CITATION Vig20 \l 1033 (Vignoles & Burgess, 2020). The loss is worse for socio-economically underprivileged learners. Their backgrounds are characterized by a household level of income and environment. Household environment and income level are the primary determinants of their academic achievement. This research aims at examining how Covid-19 has widened inequality in education systems. It will focus on learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. Students from well-off family backgrounds are believed to be better positioned to manage the new normal of learning caused by the pandemic. The hypothesis is that while well-off students (those from privileged backgrounds) can afford alternative learning methods, socio-economically disadvantaged ones are left to struggle. Underprivileged students are lagging, unable to access online learning and resources for remote learning.
Examination and Evaluation of the findings
Recent research shows that students who lack adequate access to the internet at home and other devices to facilitate remote learning are the most likely to suffer during school closures CITATION Fre20 \l 1033 (Frenette et al., 2020). It is also found that those students do not have effective online learning. The widened gap is seen in their academic performance. Learning in this kind of environment makes disadvantaged learners have a lower level of educational attainment than privileged students CITATION Fre20 \l 1033 (Frenette et al., 2020).
The government’s decision to impose school closure is based on health risks to teachers and learners against skill-loss and increasing inequalities. Since physical learning was shut, activities of online learning took root in Canada. The main challenge with this form of education is the variation in the time spent on learning. The amount of time students spend on academics during the pandemic varies both by the ability of parents and schools to support online learning. Several studies have explored the variation of time students spending learning CITATION Vig20 \l 1033 (Vignoles & Burgess, 2020). It is revealed that an additional hour for instruction per subject in a week for one year is associated with an improvement in test scores of 6 per cent of a standard deviation. It is also found that there is more impact on academic performance when students have more time to prepare for a test CITATION Vig20 \l 1033 (Vignoles & Burgess, 2020). The findings are relevant to the current problem in this research paper. Most disadvantaged students who lack access to online learning are not receiving the same hours of learning as they would have received if they had physical schooling. Besides, remote learning does not provide them quality education as it would have been in the teaching was physical (in the classroom).
Other than household income, the disadvantaged background is characterized by health problems or any special needs. Ayesh R. and Pandey E. (2020) report that the disruptions caused by the pandemic have affected millions of students with disabilities and special needs. Students suddenly switching to online learning has been a challenge to particular education providers who lack enough or the proper learning devices CITATION Aye20 \l 1033 (Ayesh & Pandey, 2020). This has led to remote learning hardship among students with disabilities.
According to Colizzi et al. (2020), Covid-19 has negatively worryingly impacted students with disabilities. Lack of proper online learning guidelines in their schools has inhibited them from accessing quality and sufficient education like other students who can easily access the resources (those without special needs). The absence of the best learning programs has worsened the disparities being experienced by those students. It is found that health problems also create a disadvantaging background for learning. In this case, learning institutions, through physical learning, usually provide a suitable environment for students with health issues to acquire education without difficulties. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) learners depend on psychosocial and other assistance, which are school-based school-based. School boarding allows mentally ill students to access help from school psychologists and therapists CITATION Col20 \l 1033 (Colizzi et al., 2020). The support is essential in their learning capacity. Since those services are vital for their education, online learning denies them the opportunity to advance, something that has increased inequality in education.
The findings from education at ...
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