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Peer Response: Sentence Revision

Essay Instructions:

Review the original and revised sentence of at least two classmate and comment on the effectiveness of the revisions. Here are a few things you might consider when writing your response:

Do the revisions make the original sentence more concise? If so, how? If not, suggest an alternative revision.

Does the revised sentence accurately capture the meaning of the original sentence? If not, mention why and/or suggest an alternative revision.

What insight about concise writing have you gained by reviewing your classmate's post?

What insight might you offer your classmate regarding concise writing?

Please write 1 paragraph to each post (name paragraph post 1 and post 2)

thank you

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Concise Writing
Student’s Name:
Post 1
The revision of Tiffany’s original sentence is concise and accurately captures the meaning of the original sentence. The revision avoids the use of hyperbole by omitting intensifiers like “practically”, avoids overlapping sentences and eliminates redundant words like “based on being around that person and getting to know”. Omitting and cutting unnecessary phrases and words helps create direct and more assertive sentences that are simple, allowing passing a message faster. Concise writing aims to convey an idea clearly in the fewest words possible. The revised sentence clearly and accurately conveys the main point by avoiding sprawling sentences and grabbing the reader’s attention. By reviewing this post, I understand that in c...
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