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Ideas in "The Culture Industry"

Essay Instructions:

Read "The Culture Industry" from Dialectic and Enlightenment by Max Horkheimer and Theodore Adorno.


Many of the ideas in "The Culture Industry" may be new to you, so here is a quick summary of the reading to help situate you.: https://culturalstudiesnow(dot)blogspot(dot)com/2013/12/adorno-and-horkheimer-culture-industry.html

Critical Theory Companion: Popular Music:

LIsten to the following songs. As you listen, consider these songs in the context of "The Culture Industry."

For more on how (and why) to watch these videos, skip ahead to the discussion board at the end of the module.

"HALO"+"ALREADY GONE": This video is actually a "mashup" of two songs that used the same beat/backing track. Try looking up and listening to the individual songs on your own.

1. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=bGuJQPWjk1Q

2. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=TIy3n2b7V9k&t=1s

3. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=DiItGE3eAyQ

Part I: pick one of the three options below:


What commentary do you think Horkheimer and Adorno would make on Averile Levine "Skater Boi"?

-Consider what comment they would make on the formal aspects of the song: The fact that it is a pop song.

-Consider how they would comment on the content/lyrics of the song: What does the character "she" of "she was a girl" represent? What does the skater boi represent? How does the song resolve? What would Horkheimer and Adorno think about this resolution?

Include at least one quote from Horkheimer and Adorno in your response.


-What comment might Horkhiemer and Adorno make on "Con Calma" by Daddy Yankee featuring Snow? Do some research into the musical backgrounds of Daddy Yankee and Snow respectively and consider what Horkhiemer and Adorno might think about their collaboration. In what way would they argue the Culture Industry benefits from it?

Include at least one quote from Horkheimer and Adorno in your response.


-How might Horkhiemer and Adorno react after listening to the "mashup" of Kelly Clarkson's "Already Gone" and Beyoncé's "Halo." What aspects of their essay "The Culture Industry" do you think the mashup would confirm?

Include at least one quote from Horkheimer and Adorno in your response.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Culture Industry
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The Culture Industry
The culture industry has seen its effectiveness in robbing people of their imaginations by the use of mass media power. Horkheimer and Adorno have intensively exposed this through the enlightenment of the masses on the falling victim of the widespread mass deception. The mash-up between Beyonce's Halo and Kelly’s Already Gone creates an emotion that can be misleading to the masses. Through the hegemonic ideologies that pass on from the mass media to direct consumption of the public. This move of embracing the culture industry robs people's ability to think on their own soberly in sovereignty.
Their reaction to the marsh-up will confirm the idea that the output of the culture industry is the same and only some rearrangement of lyrics and s...
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