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Human Security Paradigm

Essay Instructions:

1000- word paper that must be submitted through Turnitin on 21 March at 23.55 on sdyney time at the latest.Keep in touch if have any question. thank a lots

Which of the existing security paradigms do you find most suitable to study security affairs? Are you a “realist”, “pluralist”, a Copenhagen School supporter or a “human security” advocate? Or do you endorse a different view of security altogether? State succinctly and clearly which of the existing schools you endorse for your own study of security, and explain why.

Word length: 1000

Required reading: Donald E. Weatherbee, “Chapter 1: Introduction - The What and the Why of Southeast Asia”, in Donald E. Weatherbee, International Relations in Southeast Asia: The Struggle for Autonomy, (Lanham: Rowman and Littleeld, 2014), pp. 19-38.

Recommended reading: Alan Collins, “Introduction: What is Security Studies?”, in Alan Collins (editor), Contemporary Security Studies (Oxford University Press, 2006), pp.2-3.


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First Short Paper-Security Paradigm
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Human Security Paradigm
Security is an essential thing in the life of all human beings starting from a personal level to international relations. Security is the freedom from war doubled with the expectation that there will be no existence of another war (Collins, 2022). As the world becomes a global village thanks to globalization and integration, security remains the most valuable asset in spearheading this development; analyzing patterns and activities that involve security showcases a persistent trend in every dimension of the security sector. For example, international relation has faced significant tensions starting from world war I, the second world war, and many other civil wars. The most recent security issue in international relations is the Russian invasion of the Ukrainian territory. Studying all the activities and unfolding events that led to these different types of security tensions opens eyes to an existing similarity in the wars' conflicts. The similarities existing in the different scenarios bring scholars of the security sector to have a mindset of looking at security issues in one viewpoint called the paradigm. A paradigm is a world's view on what should the standard units of explaining certain things that happen in the real world. Several security paradigms exist, but I hold human security the most significant view. I endorse human security as the most significant paradigm since it places the most important subject at the top of consideration compared to other paradigms.
Human security is a more human-centered paradigm than the other existing views. This view shifts focus from the state or government as the referent object in the security issue. On the contrary, this paradigm emphasizes individual human beings as the significant referent object. The difference that this paradigm has compared to the others, mainly with the state-centered view, is that there is a necessity of ensuring that an individual is secured than just securing a state or a country. Other paradigms of security, such as the realist approach, put state sovereignty as an essential thing in the security of the constituent citizens (Weatherbee, 2014). The central point of the human security model is that the risks revolving around security issues should be evaluated with individual people in mind rather than the state. The state-centered security models only view security risks to emanate from a lawless environment. In the scope of the human security paradigm, individual freedom and liberation are essential. Thus, only through attaining them can one say that the nation is secured. If a person faces a security threat, then the whole international security is similarly affected. Other scholars view security problems as emanating from unavoidable conflicts of interest due to possessing specific resources, systems, and orders (Walt, 2017). The human security paradigm traces security problems from individual interactions and other factors.
The human security model is not an old notion. However, it only came to a timeline in the 1990s (Gazizullin, 2016). The previous ages were covered with other security paradigms such as realism. The thing that triggered the introduction of the human security notion was the end of the cold war and the civil wars in Rwanda, Somalia, and Yugoslavia (Gazizullin, 2016). After the end of the second world war, the international boundaries were secured, yet there was tension among people with different ideologies. Even after securing territories, these tensions led to the heralding of questions about the current views of what security is and should be. Countries that experienced civil wars did not lack security in their international boundaries. There were soldiers still guarding their boundaries ...
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