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Dr. Felicia Chong's Research on YouTube Beauty Tutorials

Essay Instructions:

Please listen to the following interview with Dr. Felicia Chong, assistant professor of Writing and Rhetoric at Oakland University, Michigan.
Dr. Chong has conducted research on YouTube beauty tutorials. In the interview, Dr. Chong describes what technical communication is, how ethos is developed by writers in technical writing, and other concepts.

10-Minute Tech Comm - Dr. Felicia Chong on YouTube Beauty Tutorials on Stitcher

For each answer, you can write two or three sentences.
Dr. Chong classifies the tutorials into three categories. What are the three categories?
How does Dr. Chong define technical communication? Why does she argue that these tutorials fit into the field of technical communication?
What is ethos? How do the makers of these YouTube beauty tutorials develop their ethos?
Many people, when they hear the term technical communication or technical writing, think that these terms refer to writing about technical subjects. How does Dr. Chong refute this concept?
Dr. Chong makes the case that "online participatory culture" is changing the field of technical communication. In what ways does she say that this culture is making changes in the field?
In your experience, are you aware of other tutorials or instructions for products that are created by individuals not professionally associated with the product (as is the case with these beauty tutorials)? What has been the result? Do users access these tutorials more than they access the actual product documentation?

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Response to Questions
Question one
* Hair Tutorials
* Beauty Hacks
* Makeup Tutorials
Question two
* Dr. Chong defines technical communication as user-centered communication where the goal is to help users use or interact with technology. In her case, these tutorials fit into technical communication since they provide specific instructions on how to use and interact with beauty tools and technology.
Question three
* Ethos is the image or character shown by a speaker to form their knowledge and good moral personality persuading the audience to recognize her or his credibility. Makers of the beauty tutorials develop their ethos through clear video quality and instructions, engaging and entertaining.
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