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Laws and Regulations in Canada to Regulate Aquaculture

Essay Instructions:

Due: March 24th by11:59 through Quercus

Length: 1000 to 1250 words (roughly 4 to 5 pages double spaced) not including references

This paper will consist of a response to one of the questions below. The paper must identify an argument related to the question and support that argument with evidence from academic sources. The argument should be stated clearly in a thesis statement and then supported throughout the paper using sources as evidence. The paper will be evaluated based not on the position you decide to support, there is no right or wrong a Discussion Paper #2nswer, but on the quality of your argument and how you deploy evidence (your sources) to support that argument.

In writing your paper, you must use at least 4 sources. 2 sources can be from course readings and you must locate at least 2 additional academic sources. You may of course also use additional readings from the course or other sources located by you. All sources must be referred to in the text of the paper and not just listed in the bibliography (as per standard APA rules).

Your paper must include:

• An introduction including a clear statement of your thesis in support or opposition to the question posed.

• A clearly developed argument, using evidence from your 4 academic sources, in support of your thesis.

• A conclusion that restates your thesis and the argument found in your paper.

• The paper must use the APA citation and reference list format.

Choose one of the Questions below:

1. Aquaculture (fish or sea food farming) and fracking (hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas) have become controversial because of their potential impact on the environment. Choose one and argue whether or not the laws and regulations that govern these activities in Canada are sufficient to protect the environment and the people that rely on that environment.

2. Environmental rights (explained in Muldoon et al, 2020, Chapter 12) provide citizens the opportunity to pursue environmental protection when governments fail to act. Are environmental rights an effective way to protect the environment and people in Canada?

Both questions are very broad!

• Choose one element such as specific element such as the impact of fracking on water or salmon farming specifically (question 1) or on specific rights and/or you can choose to focus on a specific jurisdiction (question 2).

• Narrow the question to something that interests you!


All written assignments are to be submitted through Quercus by 11:59pm on the day they are due. Students are responsible for submitting the correct assignment and the version submitted by the due date is the one that will be evaluated. Emailed assignments will not be accepted under any circumstances.

A late penalty of 5% per day (including weekends) will be assessed on any assignments turned in after the due date. Assignments more than five days overdue will not be accepted.


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Please note that submitting your paper through Ouroriginal or making alternative arrangements with your professor before the relevant deadlines is not optional. Failure to do so will result in a grade of 0 for your assignment. The late penalties describe in this syllabus will apply.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Laws and Regulations in Canada to Regulate Aquaculture
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Laws and Regulations in Canada to Regulate Aquaculture
Over the last few years, aquaculture has grown at a rapid pace. Aquaculture has increased worldwide fish stocks, maintained fish manufacturing costs low, and made seafood and fish more available to consumers globally. Growing fish in a sustainable manner that does not harm the environment, on the other hand, is difficult. Guaranteeing that a distribution network is ecologically responsible and dependable for seafood consumers and producers is becoming extremely important. Government involvement and laws must guarantee that fish production is as environmentally friendly as feasible. Improved intergovernmental collaboration enables better monitoring of aquaculture systems, ensuring that worldwide seafood demand is supplied in the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner. This paper seeks to underscore that the laws and regulations in place in Canada to regulate aquaculture are insufficient to preserve the people and environment who rely on it.
In Canada, aquaculture is a significant sector. Salmon aquaculture has improved feed consumption where produced salmon eating may have a lesser total effect on ecosystems than wild salmon collection. It provides full-time jobs to several rural villages (Clarkson, 2014). Furthermore, feed conversion and fish breeding are getting better all the time. Salmon and shellfish aquaculture may effectively alleviate strain on wild fisheries that are struggling to keep up with the growing market (Milewski & Smith, 2019). Salmon farming, meanwhile, may offer intolerable environmental dangers due to escapees and infection in the absence of an efficient regulatory structure.
Underneath the enforcement authority laid out in the Fisheries Act, aquaculture in Canada is strictly controlled at both the national and provincial levels. In guaranteeing that the Canadian aquaculture business is as ecologically conscientious and viable as possible, ongoing regulatory change is required (Milewski & Smith, 2019). The Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) argues that Canada must have a federal aquaculture law and claimed in their 2017 Report that Canadian aquaculture is ecological, varied, and quickly developing. The aquaculture sector in Canada is regulated by several state and territorial bodies, with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) serving as the principal regulator (Clarkson, 2014). The aquaculture business in Canada has boosted productivity, expanded the labor force, and contributed to provincial and federal economies because of intergovernmental governance and coordination.
Aquaculturists have challenged the Canadian aquaculture legal regime as creating a challenging business climate. The Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance ("CAIA") addressed a statement to the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans ("DFO") in 2010, urging the creation of specific federal aquaculture legislation as well as clarifying ownership rights for aquaculturists.
For decades, administrations have used the Fisheries Conduct to continue to mitigate the aquaculture business in Canada, resulting in poorly constructed policies and regulations. Regulations influencing aquaculture are dispersed among several government ministries and agencies, and they are frequently written with operations other than aquaculture in consideration (Howlett et al., 2003). The Fisheries Act is primarily a wildlife control act that does not address the practice of aquaculture production. Aquaculture, more than ever, requires legislation that acknowledges the activity as a food manufacturing technique that happens with fish as personal property in specifically established private places (Milewski & Smith, 2019). However, in open waters, it is not the administration of a communally owned resource.
No fishing will be permitted in, on, or above an individually owned or controlled territory utilized in the operation of aquaculture or within a defined distance of such a location (100 meters indicated); ...
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