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Human Eating Habits and Food Cultivation

Essay Instructions:

Proposal and Outline for your Course Project.

The project is a research essay in APA format that focuses on the topic below regarding current trends and future predictions.

“Changes must happen in both human eating habits and food cultivation if the human race is to survive”.

The document should include the following parts.

• Preliminary Thesis: A sentence stating the point about the topic that your essay will argue.

• Issue Summary: A one-paragraph review of the issue stating something about its history and describing the major controversies.

 Preliminary Essay Outline: A formal outline indicating what arguments will be used and their likely order in the paper.

References List: A list of at least five potential sources for your subject in APA form.

PLEASE EDIT THE PAPER according to the following:

This is what I want: paper is well written and includes data from statistics, I want you analyze claims and numbers. Think about inductive reasoning or analyze using soundness or fallacies by looking at your sources or at reputable dissenting viewpoints

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human eating habits and food cultivation
Human eating habits and food cultivation
Preliminary Essay outline
Meat products affecting the human race
Consequences of meat products on human survival
Corrective measures
Preliminary Thesis
For the human race to survive, they have to change their cultivation practices and their meat eating habits.
Issue summary
Man started cultivating plants for their nutritive values in 8000 BC within the Middle East; these were cereals. The Neolithic era gave rise to animal husbandry, setting human on a significant trend, one that they have observed with significant alterations. Human life is dependent on food for body tissues growth, development and repair.
Cultivation is the primary source of food and for this reason cultivation cannot take place if food is not necessary. For continuous survival of the human race, the eating habits and cultivation methods must change and improve. More than often, people chose to eat processed food products as well as high intakes in meat products. These are highly unhealthy and consequently increase the disease risks and burden to the economy and ultimately to the race. On the other hand, poor cultivation methods have continuously led to low quality and quantity in food production causing food shortage and poor nutrition. There is a need for change in both eating habits and food cultivation if food production sustainability and ultimately the human race survival is to be achieved.
Food challenges affecting the human race
On average, consumption of meat products has increased over the past decades. Research indicates that large intakes of meat for long periods poses a health risk, associated with lifestyle diseases. The amount of resources consumed in rearing animals for meat is also questionable in terms of sustainability. A cow reared for meat, will produce approximately 18 pounds of meat that only feeds around 50 people in a week or less, despite the vast amount of resources that they use. On the other hand, the water levels consumed by the animals is higher than the precipitation received. This implies that, the amount of water required in rearing animals for meat is higher than the sustainable levels. Comparing the output and th...
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