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Syllogisms Logical Fallacies and Rhetorical Appeals

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9th 0ctober 2015
Every speech either written or spoke has a way in which it would convince the listeners and the readers. For it to be fully convincing it must draw the attention of the audience and sway their reasoning towards the major points and appeals made therein. In order to get the correct meaning of every speech the audience must be able to analyze the speech in every means and put into full considerations the arts of speech that would help in such a case. Some of these arts that are majorly in speech are syllogisms, logical fallacies and rhetorical appeals. We analyze Martin Luther King Jr’s speech "I Have a Dream".
Syllogism is the redefining of prose to express the arguments without losing the original meaning. The speaker becomes keen to reformulate the idea and using propositions carefully. The are very few statements or words in a syllogism. Examples are: "No wealthy persons are vagrants", "lawyers are wealthy people" and "lawyers are vagrants". It is clearly noticed that the three sentences are reduced into one by combining the first two. It shows that one has been taken as an implication of the other. In his speech he sees justice being able to roll like waters in a stream. When it rolls they are satisfied. It brings in the idea that justice brings satisfaction.
Fallacies are defects that would not make an argument as stronger as possible. Even if the point is strong, the argument behind it should be made stronger enough so that it would not be thwarted on illogical grounds. These types of cases are observed much on very common arguments and can be difficult to find out sometimes. It is better if someone found out in stages whether an argument is fallacious of fallacious-free. There are some common features that can be seen to classify an argument in any speech as fallacious (University of North Carolina).
Most of the fallacious arguments do have generalizations that are not detailed and would sometimes even miss the point. Some common generalization would be:"all mechanical engineers are rough people". With the huge number of mechanical engineers around the globe, one might have only come across four and reached this conclusion. Some arguments would also support several points and leave the major point without being touched. This if not well analyzed will give a wrong perception of engineers. Martin Luther King alludes that the bank of justice is not cor...
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