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Ways in Which Raucci Acts Like a Tyrant

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Ways in Which Raucci Acts Like a Tyrant

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Political philosophy
Ways in which Raucci acts like a tyrant
Raucci was cruel and oppressive to his employees in many ways. First he abused his employees sexually. According to his former secretary Ellen Frederick, Raucci could walk around her desk and walk behind her pretending to grab her hair, he could drag her into his office and bend over his desk, he did all these to lure her secretary into sexual acts in the office. To make matters worse, Raucci went ahead to abuse sexually his fellow men an act that depicted him as a gay (Glass, 2010). Raucci would put his hand on a guy’s thigh and wait for their reaction. He would pretend that he was trying to prove whether the guy was gay or not. Those who enjoyed the act were treated as gays.
Raucci also acted as a tyrant by infringing on the privacy of his employees. That was evident when he forced one of his young employees to send him a photo of his beautiful girlfriend. The young employee was reluctant but was compelled to do so or else lose his job. After being emailed the photo, Raucci went ahead to put a blown up copy of the picture on the office whiteboard (Glass, 2010). The caption was too disgusting and embarrassed the young employee. Instead of apologizing for such a cruel act Steve went ahead to mock the young employee with the excuse that he thought the young employee would be off duty on that particular day.
Steve also acted like a tyrant by making his employees uncomfortable. He could force his employees to attend breakfast sessions with him where he could pour a shaker of salt in their coffee. Furthermore, he would sneak up on them in the bathroom and steal their glasses. Raucci would go to the extent of writing embarrassing things on the back or even front of his employees’ paychecks (Glass, 2010). Steve further acted like a tyrant by openly embarrassing his employees. He would use long hours scheduled for staff meetings to read aggressive and shameful remarks t...
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