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How the Story Elements were Deployed in "The Birthday Party”

Essay Instructions:

please make similarity =0, i will attach two word document one for reading the story and the other one to solve the assignment in the table.

Unit 1: Day 10 - “The Birthday Party”

Every story contains five important elements of storytelling. Looking closely at how an author deploys these elements is what leads us to a story’s meaning.

As you read through the story below, take the time to highlight any parts of the story that contribute to one of the five elements of storytelling. Use the color key below.

Characters Setting Structure Narration Fig. Lang.

NOTE: Reading, like writing, is not a linear process, it is a recursive one. It is impossible to construct meaning from a story after one read-through. You will need to read, and re-read, multiple times in order to form a complete picture of its meaning.

“The Birthday Party” (1946) by Katharine Brush

They were a couple in their late thirties, and they looked unmistakably married. They sat on the banquette opposite us in a little narrow restaurant, having dinner. The man had a round, self-satisfied face, with glasses on it; the woman was fadingly pretty, in a big hat. There was nothing conspicuous about them, nothing particularly noticeable, until the end of their meal, when it suddenly became obvious that this was an Occasion – in fact, the husband’s birthday, and the wife had planned a little surprise for him.

It arrived, in the form of a small but glossy birthday cake, with one pink candle burning in the center. The headwaiter brought it in and placed it before the husband, and meanwhile, the violin-and-piano orchestra played “Happy Birthday To You,” and the wife beamed with shy pride over her little surprise, as such few people as there were in the restaurant tried to help out with a pattering of applause. It became clear at once that help was needed, because the husband was not pleased. Instead, he was hotly embarrassed, and indignant at his wife for embarrassing him.

You looked at him and you saw this and you thought, “Oh, now, don’t be like that!” But he was like that, and as soon as the little cake had been deposited on the table, and the orchestra had finished the birthday piece, and the general attention had shifted from the man and woman, I saw him say something to her under his breath – some punishing thing, quick and curt and unkind. I couldn’t bear to look at the woman then, so I stared at my plate and waited for quite a long time. Not long enough though. She was still crying when I finally glanced over there again. Crying quietly and heartbrokenly and hopelessly, all to herself, under the gay big brim of her best hat.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Day 10: The Birthday Party
Guiding Question: What makes a good short story?
Learning Targets:
* I can define the major elements of a story.
* I can analyze how the author uses those elements to tell a story well when they have a limited amount of space.
* I can reflect on how I might have used those elements in my personal narrative essay.
Read the short story The Birthday Party and answer the following questions. Be sure to review the rubric (see below) before you begin, and again before you submit.
**REMINDER: Responses should be detailed and thoughtful in order to receive full credit.**
Story Element

How is this element present in the text? How do we see it included/described?

What effect does it have on the story?

(Think: Who is in the story? What do we know about them? How do we know it?)

Wife and husband: The husband's personality indicates that he is unappreciative, rude, and mean. Because as it shows “husband was not pleased. Instead, he was hotly embarrassed, and indignant at his wife for embarrassing him’’.
While the wife “beamed with shy pride over her little surprise” It shows how the wife cares and shows attention to her husband.

The husband's reaction indicates the embarrassment and madness and the atomsphere as it shows “as such few people as there were in the restaurant tried to help out with a pattering of applause” the weird situation led him to be mad and unappreciative. While the wife reacts it shows care and attention by planning and deciding to surprise her husband and make him happy as it shows”the form of a small but glossy birthday cake, with one pink candle burning in the center”.

(Think: Where does this story take place? What is it like? What do these details tell us?)

The story took place in a little, narrow restaurant with a violin-and-piano orchestra. It was described as something intimate but not so grand.

It situated the story to something od a symbolic and sentimental piece. The restaurant could have been a special place to the couple when they were in good terms.

(Think: Where are the *shifts*? How does the story *move*?)

The story moves through the events that happened through the birthday surprise. When the violin-and-piano orchestra played and when the cake arrived, it set in motion a flurry of mixed feelings fro...
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