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Preparation Outline for a Speech

Essay Instructions:

Previous order #00152994 I need the outline done the previous order on informative speech. Please see preparation outline template that was previously attached.

All outlines must be typed. Outlines are due on the day you present your speech.






Organizational Pattern Used:

General Purpose: (Will be either to inform or persuade)

Specific Purpose: (In a complete sentence state in precise terms what you want your audience to do at the end of your speech. For example, “At the end of my speech, the audience will be able to explain how viewing television violence affects children.”)

Central Idea: (The central idea is a one sentence summary of your speech. Frequently, the central idea contains an explicit preview of the main points of your speech.)


The introduction is written in paragraph form. Regardless of the specific format, the introduction must achieve the five functions of an introduction in your textbook: (1) Introduce the subject; (2) Preview the body of the speech; (3) Gain favorable attention for the speech; (4) Establish a motivation for listening; and (5) Establish your credibility.

(Transition) Specify the statement you will use to move from the introduction to the body of the speech.


  1. Each main point and sub point must be written in a complete sentence 
  1. You should not have an A without a B or a 1 without a 2.
    1. Therefore, you must have at least two sub points for each main point.
    2. If you divide a sub point, you must have two sub points for each sub point.
  1. Your sub points generally contain the supporting material for your speech.
    1. Examples, statistics, and opinions are contained in sub points.
    2. If you use information from sources other than your own experience, indicate the source in your outline 


II.   Use at least two main points, but no more than five.




The conclusion, like the introduction, is written in paragraph form. The conclusion should be consistent with the introduction. The conclusion should accomplish the four purposes discussed in your textbook: (1) Provide closure; (2) reemphasize the central idea in a memorable way; (3) Motivate the audience to respond; and (4) Summarize the speech.


Make sure to list all your references in APA style on a separate page and attach it to your preparation outline.




Essay Sample Content Preview:
Preparation Outline Template
Topic: Eating Disorder
Organizational Pattern Used: Topical
General Purpose: Inform
Specific Purpose: Following the completion of the speech, the audience will be able to explain the three categories of eating disorders and how they present in patients.
Central Idea: Eating disorders are serious illnesses capable of causing serious mental and physical health problems.
More than 30 million US citizens suffer from an eating disorder. The problem is more severe than people may want to admit. The disease comprises three categories: bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. It takes hold of the patient by distorting their body image, leading to behaviors that cause malnutrition (Peebles & Sieke, 2019). My sister struggled with an eating disorder for many years but is in recovery after two years of therapy. I experienced, first-hand, the ravages of the disease and its potency to destroy life.
(Transition) The three main types of eating disorders are bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.
* The most common eating disorder is anorexia nervosa.
1 About one in a hundred women suffer from the disorder (Streatfeild et al., 2021).
2 Its symptoms include lack of appetite and dieting in unhealthy ways.
* Bulimia nervosa is the least know of the three categories.
1 Patients go through recurring binge-eating patterns.
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