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Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Due Week 9 and worth 250 points

Most states regulate their health departments by city or county. Search for health department regulations for food service facilities that are closely related to the location where you reside. Focus on possible challenges to the restaurant industry, such as health department regulations and requirements, social concerns, competitive issues, and / or demographic and geographic issues.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

Determine the challenges involved in managing a restaurant operation that are specific to your state or local municipality, as well as how you would address those challenges.

Determine the impact of computerization on food service and lodging operations in your state, particularly in the areas of reservations, accounting, personnel management, and the recording of sales transactions. Consider the quality of technology infrastructure in your state and the degree of technology usage by potential customers visiting or using these services within your state.

Analyze the interdependence of food service, lodging, and meeting segments of the hospitality industry and make two recommendations for how the synergy between the three could be improved, using examples from your state to illustrate your case.

Consider how these segments can improve their relationships between one another and how they can combine their services in order to be more marketable in your home state.

Determine the likely consequences of the introduction of gaming entertainment into your state, or if your state already allows gaming, the impact of significant economic expansion of the segment upon other segments of the hospitality industry.

Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not quality as academic resources.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

 The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Analyze the basic procedures involved in managing a restaurant operation.

Determine the impact of computerization on food service and lodging operations, particularly in the areas of reservations, accounting, personnel management, and the recording of sales transactions.

Analyze the interdependence of the food service, lodging, and meetings segments of the hospitality industry.

Discuss the nature of and the various activities related to gaming entertainment.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in hospitality and tourism management.

Write clearly and concisely about hospitality and tourism management using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
Institutional Affiliation
Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
Managing restaurants in West PalmBeach, Florida may prove to be hectic due to various social influences and requirements of the law. Thus, taking part in the hospitality and tourism industry in Florida requires that restaurant managers stay up-to-date with recent developments in the law and technology. It is essential to find out how computerization of various process in the restaurant industry has helped the management and visitors alike. This essay will examine the challenges faced by the restaurant industry and explore how further computerization and other sectors can experience growth.
Challenges of the Restaurant Industry in Palm Beach County
Managing a restaurant in Palm Beach County can be especially challenging considering that, the health department in the county is tough on restaurants that do not uphold acceptable hygiene standards. The toughness cannot be criticized since it is a state regulation and a law requirement that all restaurants must maintain the highest standards of health and safety (Lee, Hallak & Sardeshmukh, 2016). Managers must ensure that there are no rodents or cockroaches, the stored food must be at a specific temperature, and customer satisfaction must be guaranteed. Achieving this requires managers must stay updated with the many laws that may affect the regular operations of a restaurant to avoid being caught off guard.
Failure to adhere to Florida’s Department of Community Health and Palm Beach County Health Departments’ standards results in the immediate closure of the restaurant. According to Lee et al. (2016), it is the role of the manager to ensure computerized programs effectively reduces the margin of error in operation. Social concerns emerge due to social media and the mainstream media about the level of hygiene of a restaurant, which may result in a low customer base. In addition, customers may use social media to launch campaigns or boycotts. Restaurant managers should always maintain the best hygiene standards and streamline the restaurant’s services to survive in the competitive food service industry. The food service industry has become competitive due to the influx of many businesses that are seeking to gain from the large number of local and international tourists who visit West Palm Beach.
Computerization of Food Services and Lodging Operations
Automation in Florida’s food service industry has revolutionized how restaurants conduct and operate. Reservation is among the areas that have registered positive influence because guests can be able to pace their bookings online. Customers can access a restaurant’s service from anywhere in the world due to the online reservation systems and the availability of online paying systems on the restaurants’ websites (Pearlson, Saunders & Galletta, 2016). Again, restaurants in Florida no longer use traditional bookkeeping methods that were expensive and cumbersome. Now, restaurants have automated accounting that enables restaurants to operate and maintain conversant accounting records (Ivanov, Webster & Berezina, 2017). Personnel management is another area that has been computerized by restaurants operating in West Palm Beach. According to Pearlson et al. (2016), personnel management software is used to track employee attendance and simplify the hiring process. In addition, computerization is used to record sales transactions in any restaurants. Using an automated sale transaction ensures that the restaurant’s management can be able to calculate profits using less effort and less time and reduce the likelihood of theft practices in the workforce.
Technology infrastructure has helped restaurant...
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