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Health Statistics: Collecting Accurate Data Using Standard Deviation

Essay Instructions:

For the fourth component of the Session Long Project, write a 2- to 3-page essay in which you continue to collect data for five days. Continue to discuss the spread of the data that you've been collecting by computing the standard deviation of measurements that you've taken so far. Show your work. Be sure to dicuss the concept of standard deviation in response.

I will also need help on slp 5 I just don't get Statistics class I was 3.68 gpa this is going to ruin me.

for reference this is my data from SLP1

Introduction to Probability Theory and Health Statistics

I recently purchased a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff for work

purposes. This allowed me to take my blood pressure at home as well as my pulse to work on this SLP. I started taking my BP and pulse at night just before bed time 10-11pm. This allowed my wife Kari to assist me in taking accurate data. On the 25th of February I stopped working two jobs because my wife has gone back to work after having full knee replacement in October of 2014. This will also allow me to catch up on my assignments and thank you for being so patient with me professor Alla. I chose to do blood pressure and pulse because my diet and exercise is so irregular that it would be nearly impossible to record this data. This data was collected with the help from my wife(Kari) in order to get accurate results. So, here are my results as of March 8th.

Blood Pressure

27th 28th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

140 132 136 134 132 138 137 140 137 141

72 74 70 70 68 76 78 79 69 87


27th 28th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

82 77 81 76 68 73 80 84 70 87

This is my mod 3 slp I received 4/20 Fail

For the fourth component of the Session Long Project, write a 2- to 3-page essay in which you continue to collect data for five days. Continue to discuss the spread of the data that you've been collecting by computing the standard deviation of measurements that you've taken so far. Show your work. Be sure to dicuss the concept of standard deviation in response.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Use the information in the modular background readings as well as resources you find through ProQuest or other online sources. Please be sure to cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper. Submit the paper as a Word document through the link provided for the assignment.

Descriptive statistics part one 1: normal curse vulnerability and plotting

The variance in the BP is between 68-87 is 19.

V1=68 V2 =87 (|V1-V2| )((V1+V2/2*100 (calculator soup,2015)

=(l68-87|) ((68+87))*100



=24.5161% difference

The High or systolic BP between 132-141

V1=132 V2=141

(| V1-V2 |((V1+V2/2))*100

=(| 132-141 |/((132+141)/2*100

=(1-91/ (273/2))*100


0.065934 *100

=6.5934% deference

Compute the variance of distribution of measurement and how it distributes itself about the expected vale or mean.

This is not like the range variance uses the data points to determine the distribution (David M. Lane, n.d.). I will show this in the pulse Data since it is a singular set of numbers: 68,70,73,76,77,80,81,82,84,87.

σ2 = variance

∑ (X - µ)2 = The sum of (X - µ)2 for all data points

X = individual data points

µ = mean of the pulse

N = number of data points

There are ten scores in total, so N = 10

σ2 = ∑ (x-µ)2 / 10

The mean (µ) for the ten scores (68,70,73,76,77,80,81,82,84,87), so µ = 77.8

σ2 = ∑ (x-77.8)2 / 10

Now, compare each score (x =68,70,73,76,77,80,81,82,84,87) to the mean (µ = 77.8)

σ2 = [ (65-77.8)2+(70-77.8)2+(73-77.8)2+(76-77.8)2+(77-77.8)2+ (80-77.8) 2+(81-77.8) 2+(82-77.8) 2+(84-77.8) 2+(87-77.8) ] / 10


65-77.8= -12.8

70-77.8= -7.8

73-77.8= -4.8

76-77.8= -1.8

77-77.8= -.8

80-77.8= 2.2

81-77.8= 3.2

82-77.8= 4.2

84-77.8= 6.2


σ2 = [ (-12.8)2+(-7.8)2+(-4.8)2+(-1.8)2+(-.8) 2+(2.2)2+(3.2)2+(4.2)2+(6.2) 2+(9.2)2] / 10

σ2 = [ 12.8x12.8 + 7.8x7.8 + 4.8x4.8 + 1.8x1.8 + .8x.8+2.2x2.2+3.2x3.2+4.2x4.2+16.2x16.2+9.2x9.2] / 10

σ2 = [163.84 +60.84+23.04+3.24+.64+4.84+10.24+17.64+38.44+84.64]/10

σ2 = 470.76 /10

divide the sum by 10 and we get 47.076 (Siddharth Kalla, 2015)

That is a distribution or mean of 47.076 This is a high variance between the value. I did not expect th

Individual Feedback:


Brief initial posting. Good examples of uses of frequency distribution in the health care setting. Brief discussion on the differences between a normal, positive and negative skew.

Your initial posting has 167 words, which is less than required at least 250 words; and it is not supported by references. Hot links to websites cannot serve instead of properly formatted and cited references. However, your response to one fellow learner has 23 words, which is less than required 250 words; and it is not supported by at least one reference.

I am deducting two points for posting late.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
Date Background The spread of data focuses on variability of the data from a particular variable. Relying on the measures of variability and the mean gives a better description of the data. As such, the data collected on blood pressure and pulse used the measures of spread, particularly on the variance and the standard deviation. This further highlights on how the measures of variability differ from the expected mean value.  For this session I took the blood pressure measurements at night just before bed time 10-11pm, and also at work The measurements on the blood pressure and the pulse were taken since there were differences in the exercise regimen and dieting that would have made it impossible to collect meaningful regular data. Systolic blood pressure
Total numbers: 10
Sum of numbers: 1367
Mean (Average): 136.7
Median: 137
Mode: 132, 137, 140
Range: 9
Ascending order: 132, 132, 134, 136, 137, 137, 138, 140, 140, 141
    Mean Variance    
  X M X-M (x-M)^2  
  140 136.7 3.3 10.89  
  132 136.7 -4.7 22.09  
  136 136.7 -0.7 0.49  
  134 136.7 -2.7 7.29  
  132 136.7 -4.7 22.09  
  138 136.7 1.3 1.69  
  137 136.7 0.3 0.09  
  140 136.7 3.3 10.89  
  137 136.7 0.3 0.09  
  141 136.7 4.3 18.49  
Total       94.1  
Variance       9.41 10.46
S.D       3.068 3.234
 In calculating the variance and spread of data in the systolic blood pressure, the mean was first calculated and then the sum of the deviations of each measurement was taken into account to calculate the standard deviation. Since the total was 94.1 the population variance is 94.1/10 = 9.41 while the standard deviation is the square root of the variance. On the other hand, the sample variance is 10.46 (94.1/9) since this uses n-1 as the denominator with 10 being the number of observations.  The systolic blood pressure is higher than expected as I assumed that it would average to  around120 mm Hg. There is concern that the higher values could be an indicator of prehypertension, highlighting the need to be focus more on dieting and improved physician exercise regimen. The value from a normal distribution can in turn be used to understand distribution from the mean using the formula Z = (X - μ)/σ   where X is a value Z = μ is the mean and σ is the standard deviation. Diastolic blood pressure
Total numbers: 10
Sum of numbers: 743
Mean (Average): 74.3
Median: 73
Mode: 70
Range: 19
Ascending order: 68, 69, 70, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 79, 87
    Mean Variance    
  X M X-M (x-M)^2  
  72 74.3 -2.3 5.29  
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