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Internship Experience

Essay Instructions:

i am currently enrolled in an internship/co-op this spring semester. The semester is ending soon and for my co-op class, i am required to write a 2 page essay on my experience as an intern. The following is what i am required to have in my essay: 

1.An introduction with a clear statement describing the objective of your work assignment, why the work is important to your employer, and how the remainder of the report will explain what you accomplished on your work assignment and how the courses you have completed at Lamar University prepared you for this assignment.

2.The next section of your report should detail your activities and the results you achieved. This section should include all your job responsibilities.

3.The final section should include conclusions and recommendations regarding your project and a description of what additional work might need to be done.

Below are some information about me and the type of work i do as an intern: 

I am an industrial engineering major at lamar university expected to graduate may 2017. This semester i am working 25 hours a week as an intern and going to school almost full time. I intern at a chemical company located in Orange, Texas. The company is called Lanxess. The things i do as an intern at Lanxess includes the following: 

assist with ERS (emergency relief system) review

field review pressure safety valves (PSV) and discs. When reviewing, i generally have to check to make sure that the brand, tag number, set pressure, and size of the valves are correct and in working order. 

I also field review pipe/line size to and from valve and discs. Along side that, i also review pump size, motor size, RPM of the motor. 

When all the field review is complete, i correct the wrong data and upload the information to match the SAP database. I also update handheld and fix minor hardware and software issues with the handheld devices. Every monday i have a group meeting with the pressure sately team. During the meetings, we share ideas and discuss common issues that arise and what we can do to fix them. When i am in my office, i generally do paperwork or work on spreadsheets of the data that i collect in the field.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Internship Experience
Name of the Institution
Student Name
In order to attain the practical knowledge on the significant of an industrial engineer, Lamar University expects its students to undertake an internship in industry before graduating. This report gives a description of my experiences and observations while I was attached at Lanxess Company.
Lanxess Company is a chemical company located in Orange, Texas. Finding an attachment with Lanxess was something to celebrate about since it provided me with the hands-on experience concerning what is expected from an engineer. The internship created insight on the most of the chemical processes that substances must go through before confirmed as suitable for human consumption or for any other purpose. Absolutely, the internship built immense confidence in most of the units that we had covered theoretically in class. I can testify that every concept that I had doubt about during the class sessions was brought to light through the real experience. Sincerely, I felt like an engineer when analyzing the chemical properties for different substances.
I was working within a tight schedule since I had to coordinate both the class activities and the internship activities. In the semester, I had to work 25 hours a week as an intern and then heading to school on a full time basis in order to maintain the pace in accomplishing the requirements of a final year student. As intern in Lanxess, I was responsible for...
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