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Sound Element Analysis Essay

Essay Instructions:

After reading and understanding the essay assignment.... 

1) Brainstorm & gather ideas for the essay (based on the essay topic you've chosen to write about).

2) Write a rough draft.

3) Develop & Revise the rough draft (adding content, deleting irrelevant content, and rearranging content).

4) Get feedback and writing assistance on your draft in the Writing Center, WALL, or another student resource.

5) Edit (for grammar, sentence clarity, punctuation, spelling errors, etc.), using a grammar textbook such as A Pocket Style Manual, ed. Diana Hacker OR Purdue University Online Writing Lab website.

6) Format the final draft correctly: typed, double-spacing, 4 line name heading in the top left corner of page one, and a title on page one. (See sample essays for proper college standard format.)

HUM130 Essay Requirements:

In my on-campus literature or film classes, I usually have students write in-class essays about the material. This online course allows you more time, but the format required is similar to in-class essays. You just need to put your thesis statement at the top of the page (no intro paragraph is necessary), and write 3 or more detailed paragraphs that support your thesis.

To prepare to write: 

•Read the sample essays I've posted in this week's folder.

•Read the Essay Assignment directions and topics.

•Think about and choose two film elements that contribute to the theme you'll be writing about.

•Film elements, other than theme, include: character development, plot structure or organization of storytelling, symbolism or motifs, setting (time, place, historic/political back story), camera techniques, lighting, color, sound, music, special effects including CGI (computer graphic imaging), etc. 

To put together an effective HUM130 film analysis essay, follow these tips:

1.Start your essay with a clearly stated thesis. No formal introduction paragraph is necessary for this essay. Instead, simply state your thesis (main idea) of your essay in 1 or 2 sentences max.

2.3 – 4 body paragraphs: Then, support your thesis with at least 3 or points. Each paragraph should state and elaborate in detail on each point. If you have 3 supporting points you should have 3 substantial paragraphs. Your paragraphs should follow the basic P.I.E. paragraph structure.

3.To illustrate your supporting points, be sure to include references and specific examples from the films you’re writing about.

4.Concluding paragraph: A very brief concluding paragraph (3 – 4 sentences max.) that wraps up your essay with one or two final thoughts is usually adequate.

Length & Other Requirements: An essay in this class should be a minimum of at least 1000-1200 words (which is equal to about 4 pages, typed/double-spaced). 

DO NOT write an introduction paragraph! Instead, write a thesis statement of one or two sentences, max. The rest of your essay's 1000+ words should be spent on the 3 - 4 body paragraphs.

Again, refer to the sample thesis statements and sample film essays to see what you are expected to do. 

here are some more requirement

Essay Topic:

Compare/contrast how 2 film elements contribute to and convey one theme shared by the two films.


1.Choose two films you’ve already watched this quarter (any films you watched in Weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5) that share a similar theme. Since films often have several possible themes, you will have to decide which theme or message your two films have in common. The 2 movies you choose can be from the same week OR from different weeks.

2.In your film analysis essay, compare/contrast how TWO film elements* contribute to and convey this ONE shared theme in the two films.

3.Begin your essay with your thesis statement (main idea or point) in one or two concise, clearly worded sentences. No introduction paragraph is necessary; instead, use all 1000+ words to support and illustrate your thesis. See thesis statement example below!

4.Then, support and illustrate your thesis statement by discussing your perspectives, ideas, and observations---and referring to very specific examples and details from the two films. In other words, start each body paragraph by stating your point and then SHOW what you mean by it. 

5.Wrap up your essay's main point with a very brief concluding paragraph.

Thesis Statement EXAMPLE

Notice how both film titles, both film elements, and the shared theme are specified in the thesis statement example below. You should include this essential information in your thesis statement also.

Although Rashomon and Tokyo Story are films that represent two very different styles of Japanese filmmaking, the unusual plot structures and creative camera angles used in both films contribute to a theme they have in common: Deception.

Essay Guidelines & Requirements:

•Support, don't report! (In other words, don't summarize the plot or explain what happens in the movies. This essay should be your analytical response that addresses on the essay topic assigned.)

•Writing Process: I strongly suggest that you manage your time during this week to follow the steps in the writing process: Brainstorm ideas, write a rough draft, review scenes in the films, revise the draft substantially, and edit for grammar/spelling/word choices.

•Go to the SSC Writing Center in LIB205 for assistance on your draft.

•Length: Your final essay should be about 3 - 4 pages double-spaced--at least 1000-1200 words. (Most substantial essays contain approx. 4 to 6 detailed paragraphs. A typed, double-spaced 1000 word essay is usually equal to about 4 pages of text.)

•No introduction paragraph is needed; just begin by stating your thesis. Spend most of your 1000+ words on supporting and illustrating your thesis.

•Point of view: Since you will be writing about your perspectives and observations of these films, use first person narrative point of view.

•No research: Do NOT cite any outside research for this essay. Stick to using examples from the films and your own ideas. You've spent 5 weeks discussing the films extensively, so you should be able to draw from and expand on the ideas shared during discussions.

•Follow directions: Double-check the directions for this assignment to make sure you don’t lose points on inaccuracies.

•Final Draft and Grade: This essay is worth 30 points (30% of your final grade) so it's imperative that you submit a polished draft that is well organized, detailed, and edited.

•E1 RUBRIC: Refer to the grading rubric attached to this assignment page for the specific criteria used for grading this essay. 

Additional thesis statement EXAMPLES: 

If it’s been awhile since you’ve taken a composition course that covered how to write a concise thesis statement, these examples should help. Here are 3 good examples of clearly-stated thesis statements from other classes. They are grammatically correct sentences that establish the two film titles, the shared theme, and the 2 or 3 film elements that will be analyzed in a compare/contrast essay.

Most importantly, a thesis statement should reveal in one or two sentences (max.) the central idea or main point of the essay.

“Although the settings and characters of Cinderella Man and Million Dollar Baby are completely different, both films are about boxers who struggle to find dignity and purpose in their lives.”

“The films To Kill A Mockingbird and Millions convey the theme of empathy through the use of symbolism, color, and music.”

“Spirited Away and Grave of the Fireflies are Japanese animated films that tell very different stories. Ironically, it is the vast differences in camera work, sound effects, and artistic animation that help to deliver the one theme that these two films share: Hon


Identity Themes

in Kurosawa’s Roshomon and Miyazaki’s Spirited Away

Foreign film has been just that to me up until this point, foreign. In my attempt to analyze such classics by accredited directors like Akira Kurosawa and Hayao Miyazaki, I have learned more about the technique of setting and effectiveness of characterization, more about myself, and more about Japanese culture. Although “Rashomon” and “Spirited Away” have opposing settings and characterization, they share a common theme about the importance of finding and maintaining one’s identity.

When we watch a movie, we tend to watch for entertainment purposes. Although taking this class was my choice, the movies we have been given to watch are a requirement in order to receive a passing grade. I have learned, even in the early stages of this process, that analyzing film and its subcomponents is no easy task, but can however, still be rewarding and entertaining. Particularly when those films have something to say about human nature and they can effectively convey that through their plot and story structure.

As you know, “Rashomon” is a murder mystery, set post World War 2 Japan. The characterization in this story embodies themes of good and evil and questions the ethics of humanity. Because of its exploration in the uncertainties of human truth, “Rashomon” has often been analyzed for its allegorical content in relation to the defeat of Japan in World War 2. The actual introduction and development of characters in this film

create a perfect backdrop for Kurosawa to convey these elements of human nature. As the film seeks a different perspective from each opposing character through time, so we (the audience) are never given the story in its entirety. The widely differing accounts of the murder of the Samurai would suggest that one, if not all of the characters are bending the truth for their survival and personal advancement.

The character development for this story is unique because we are given a different perspective on each character with each new point of view. For example, the bandit Tajomaru, gives his account of the ‘rape’ and ‘murder’ first, adding that “I never intended on killing him, but then…” the Samurai’s wife is able to convince him to duel her husband to the death because she is so shamed in her adultery. The bandit still insists to the implied court that, “I still had no intention on killing him.” Whether this is a characterization tactic of the bandit to create empathy within the audience or an interpretation of woman’s power of man, Kurosawa constructed his character’s to portray the complexities of human nature and the difficulty of filtering lies from truth. The priest himself, in an element of foreshadowing in the beginning of the story claims, “Finally, I might have lost faith in the human soul.” Even by our common understanding of what a priest is supposed to believe, Kurosawa created his characters to go beyond traditional norms and convey the subjectivity of truth in the account of a human.

In contrast, Hayao Miyazaki’s characters in “Spirited Away,” were that of a more traditional kid’s movie, only slightly touching on life themes of good and evil, dishonesty and truth, greed and sharing, love and hate. The main character, Chihiro, is a young girl faced with hardships in a magical land that test and construct her understanding of these elements of life. At surface level, she is a misfit in a land of spirits and magical creatures;

discriminated against because she is human. She is told to “hold [her] breath because if they smell [her], they will know [she] does not belong there.” Chihiro is also initially portrayed as being rude and “[has] no manners” and that being a “greedy little thief” would make her a bad person. However, Miyazaki constructs her character to learn the importance of a good work ethic and taking pride in doing even the dirtiest of tasks; e.g. when she has to give the ‘stink spirit’ a bath and does so willingly and without argument. Her character then comes full circle as she saves her parents, befriends those that are rejected and rescues her beloved from near-death.

This is not true of the characters in Rashomon. They tended to be out for their own self-interest, however noble or valiant that goal might make them seem. I see the opposing characterizations and development of these two films as being indicative of our tendency to be naive and innocent at a young age and how that can be tainted, as we get older. Life lessons aren’t so black and white and the uncertainties in factual accuracy and motive behind wrongdoing aren’t quite as clear.

Although the two movies were obviously quite different in plot, animation, color and character development, they did share a common theme as mentioned above. Both explored ideas of identity and the importance of one’s identity and self-concept to that of their positive mental health and well-being. One recurring theme that I found in the two films that was the idea of the importance of identity found in a name. For example, in “Spirited Away,” Chihiro’s named is changed to Sin and Haku tells her, “That’s how Yubaba controls you, by taking your name…If you completely forget it, you’ll never find your way back home.” This deliberately shows how their name is a direct representation of their identity and if they can’t remember it, they will forever be stuck in the persona of

the name that they were given in the Spirit World. To parallel this idea, the only ‘evil’ spirit we encounter is named “No Face.” He is lonely, tries to buy love and friendship with gold and has no family. It seems appropriate that he would have no significant name and no face, also representing the idea that an identity can be found in a name.

Similarly, the characters in Rashomon that give their interpretation of the crime have their own hidden agenda to enhance their reputation, whether negatively or positively. They seemed to be more concerned about their reputation and the niche of their character, that there was almost a sense of pride in what they had done (assuming each testimony could have been true). For example, Tajomaru ensues this story of how he murdered the Samurai so nobly, yet at the same time he emphasizes his reputation as a "bandit," having no concern or care for the man he so savagely tied up and killed. The wife, Masako, highlights her irrationality and insanity by testifying that she "must have fainted" and woke up to see her dagger in her husband's chest and couldn't remember how she got out of the woods. Not too convincing that she didn't do it. And the husband upholds the stereotypes of a traditional Samurai in that he so dramatically stabs himself after being shamed. Each character upheld their own characterization and niche in society, thus conveying continuity of their reputation and their identity.

The interpretation of the significance of claiming an identity in Rashomon was vastly different than in “Spirited Away,” but still containing the general concept: if our concept of who we are is stripped from us, we feel as if we have no strong hold or constant to keep us grounded. Whether it’s in a name, in a stereotype or an emotion, we must have some sense of our identity and a secure feeling that it is the one thing that is

truly our own. The characters in both films, however opposing in content and character development, were able to portray that theme to me.

SO I RED A MOVIE CALLED RAISE THE RED LANTER AND RABBIT PROOF FENCE, I want my thesis to be about slavment because I see sexual slavement in the movie red lanter and I see racial salavemet on the movie rabbit proof of fence

note b I would appreciate it if I can get this by Friday 9 am pacific time

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Outline and draft
Outline of the essay
This section of the essay will specify the films selected for analysis. These are In Rabbit-Proof Fence and Raise The Red Lantern films. What the paper will cover will be stated in this section.
Sound element
This section will describe how the sound element is used in both films to express the theme of slavery.
Colour element
This section will describe how the colour element is used in both films to express the theme of slavery.
This section will summarized the paper. The main points of the paper would be described here.
Rough Draft
In the movie Rabbit-Proof Fence and the movie Raise The Red Lantern films, two film elements, the elements of color and sound have been used effe...
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