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Health Care Reforms In The United States

Essay Instructions:

Case AssignmentThe health care reform debate is not a new one. The plan for a national system was a Hillary Clinton platform when she was First Lady. The notion lost steam and was placed on the back shelf until the election of President Obama. During President Obama's presidency, the debate for the need of a national plan has heated up considerably. It is incumbent on us all to become as informed about health care reform as possible because it affects us, our family, and loved ones.

1. List and briefly describe 3 of the recommendations for health care reform from experts, interest groups, etc.

2. Discuss how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) fits (or does not fit) with the recommendations.

Length: Submit a 3-page paper. Assignment ExpectationsAssessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric that is linked within the course. Review it before you begin working on the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Health Care Reform Author Name University Name The healthcare reforms in the United States have a long history. For example, in 2010, a landmark reform was passed by the representatives of Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. One of the major recommendations is providing people with sufficient health insurance plan. Attention is being paid on over 45 million American who find themselves in an insecure and uninsured situation. The Obama administration and Congress invested heavily in insurance coverage as part of the program titled Obamacare (Williams, 2016). It should be noticed that patients with serious or chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease are not guaranteed effective and cost-free treatments, and are often forced to opt for expensive therapies. They need immediate health, and the current government has to cover their health or medical expenses because they are poor and cannot afford costly treatments or medicines. Similarly, it has been observed that various patients don’t receive necessary or immediate care and the others receive what is unnecessary. This point also needs media, public and government attention. Research documents variations in visits to doctors, length of time spent in hospitals, and costs of laboratory tests and medications. That is a common problem in different geographic areas of the country, and the government should come forward to resolve all issues as soon as possible (Lora, 2000). Furthermore, there is a lack of coordination and cooperation between a patient and doctor, and the healthcare professionals don’t take patients with chronic diseases as seriously as they should. The underlying fragmentations of the health care system should not surprise anyone given that the doctors and nurses do not earn sufficient and their access to useful ...
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